Location and probable track of Hurricane Irma (a category 5 hurricane)
as of September 5, 2017, at 5 pm AST = 5 pm EDT = 21:00 GMT
I am in Orlando so we are watching this thing closely
From Reuters:
The eye of Irma, a Category 5 storm packing winds of 185 miles per hour (295 km per hour), moved away from the island of Barbuda and toward the island of St. Martin, east of Puerto Rico, early on Wednesday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami reported. It could hit Florida on Saturday.
is this kind storm and hurricane common in florida over the year?
Having lived through, and done relief work after Hurricane Andrew, all I can say is, your life is more important than material goods, if you have kids, serious health issues, disabled family, or if you are elderly, get out of Fla. You can always come back at some point. Always remember, EMS, police, Fire will reach a certain threshold, and at this point, they will not respond to calls for help. Also assume, if you do not have a generator you will not have power, also unless you have a whole house generator you will not have A/C. There will be no mobile phone service, and internet will be curtailed. The only means of reliable communication will be CB, Walkie-talkie, and HAM. So don’t be a martyr.
The Ever Practical VIPER
Location and probable track of Hurricane Irma – still a category 5 hurricane –
as of September 6, 2017, at 11 am AST = 11 am EDT = 15:00 GMT
If this track holds, it will represent a worst-case scenario –
The entire east coast of the U.S., from Miami to New York could be in the path of this monster…
This east cost track is best thing for Florida, strongest winds are on east side of eye wall, this track would keep those winds off shore, if this track holds the Carolina’s are the most in danger
Note, I corrected to read “east side”
[quote=“Dennis3450, post:7, topic:112591, full:true”]
… strongest winds are on west side of eye wall, this track would keep those winds off shore,[/quote]
I think you mean east side of the eye wall.
Yes sir, thanks for the correction
Don’t you bring that evil down on me DennisBobby
The Ever Ready For All Eventualities VIPER
Location and probable track of Hurricane Irma – still a category 5 hurricane –
as of September 7, 2017, at 11 am AST = 11 am EDT = 15:00 GMT
Hurricane Irma is still projected to pass directly over Miami.
The new track is now projected to veer slightly offshore and run parallel to the Gold Coast.
Then it is projected to make landfall once again directly over Savannah, Georgia, and move inland toward Greenville, South Carolina.
The Miami and Savannah projected landfalls have not changed in the past 24 hours.
Another hurricane, named José, is trailing Hurricane Irma by about 1,000 miles.
José is currently a category 1 hurricane.
In all seriousness, if you have not done so yet, please contribute to a certified local charity for Texas and Miami relief work. On top of this, all Jets fans should contribute double for the Miami relief effort. If it wasn’t for Miami the Jets would be irrelevant, oh wait, yeah ummmm, never mind.
The Ever Loving Roseann Roseannadanna VIPER
PS I fixed it dennis. But the Jets thing stands
Im thinking wind farm stocks will be on the up?..ok, ummm, did I cross the line?
That’s what lines are for.
In other news –
Al Gore is so excited about Irma that he’s jumping up and down and giggling.
It’s not a pretty sight.
I have suggested to Al Gore that he swim out toward Cuba to greet the hurricane.
I am amazed by the number of " educated" people that are actually saying, that the reason we have Irma is because of Donald Trump exiting the Pairs climate accord. These are the same type of people that drank the Jim Jones kool-aid
NO! the Red Cross is one to the worst charities you can donate too, as far as your money going to actually help people, There are much better options out there, do your research before parting with your money,
latest track now has Irma moving more west and the eye would track over land up the entire state of Florida, Not Good!
Sorry to my buds in Fla. But we are short term long OJ.
The Ever Opportunistic VIPER
Off topic but, in at 152.70 TP 154.70, remove if you want.
Now Back To Regularly Scheduled Program VIPER
Location and probable track of Hurricane Irma – downgraded to category 4 –
as of September 8, 2017, at 11 am EDT = 15:00 GMT
The current time estimates
8 am Sunday - landfall on the southern Florida coast
Sunday-Monday - tracking north along the center of Florida, weakening from category 4
8 am Monday - west of Jacksonville, Florida, as category 1 or 2
8 am Tuesday - northwest of Atlanta, Georgia, as a tropical depression
8 am Wednesday - over Nashville, Tennessee, as a tropical depression