I’ve been relatively quiet here but learning a great deal… much thanks to everyone for that… what I am faced with now, perhaps more than ever, is just a sheer lack of personal experience and chart time.
So I am wondering if there is a way to address that. I managed to find a trade simulation EA for MT4, it’s a bit cumbersome (from my unlearned perspective, I’m not used to using anything like it) but it quickly illustrated just how wrong I could be with regard to thinking I understood the market.
To save a long explanation, I tried a trading strategy or two and quickly discovered after a few simulated “weeks” of trading that really, I was my own worst enemy unless I set a sufficient stoploss, for instance. Not a bad lesson to pick up in a couple of hours! This was very important to learn, and perhaps in some minor way, put me a month ahead of where I’d be otherwise.
So… this is my “noob~like” Utopian Vision for improving my skills and instantly becoming a pro (que fantasy music here, and “entering a dream” visual effects)…
First Day: the 1970’s. Having futzed around considerably I start with MT4 just chock full of historic data. I’m ready to go at the computer and I’ve turned the screen monochrome green and black to match the time period. I put Earth, Wind and Fire on in the background, and with Boogie Wonderland playing in the background, I trade, trade, trade and trade some more using my favourite strategies. Eventually the 1970’s exhaust themselves, and I emerge with a fair bit of trading experience. It’s not the greatest result, but many bad habits are lost.
Second Day: the 1980’s. Time to put the computer on just 4 colors, put on a New Wave Greatest Hits and start in all over again. No ponytail or suspenders, but I can imagine it, as I trade, trade, trade and trade some more. 1987 comes and goes… I’m still trading. Am I good yet? Well not really. But getting better.
Third Day: the 1990’s. I’m at it again. The screen has ok color now but it’s dialed down to 1024 x 768. Nirvana is playing on the radio and I’ve set my Motorola Microtac cellphone out on the desk again where it used to be (yes, I’ve still got it!) In my own mind, I’m gathering 25 years of experience on the charts! It remains to be seen if that’s anything like a real 25 years, or just the first month of trading over and over again, 300 times…
Fourth Day: the 2000’s. Dot Com bubbles bursting all around me, markets rising and crashing… Nickelback is singing about how they want to be rock stars. There is the strange sensation of being in HG Wells’ Time Machine… and then suddenly, hurtling headlong into the future… the charts slam to a crawl. I come to my senses, the computer fans spool down, and it’s early September 2011. Dazed, I step outside into the sunlight. Am I good at forex yet?
So, that’s the imagining here. Likely there’s quite a bit wrong with this. For instance, unless I follow treasuries, the dollar, futures and all that I’m really missing a huuuge portion of the big picture. Maybe a critical portion.
But… has anyone done anything like this?
If you did, did it make a difference?
And if so, did you have a favourite simulator?
Apologies if this has all been covered somewhere else before.