Trading books recommendation

Hey guys, I was checking out some forums and saw people asking for trading book recommendations. Do books really make someone a good trader?

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Well, although I’m a book fan, but they ain’t gonna do miracles. It’s good to read them but meanwhile you should gain experience too. Anyway, check out this books:

  1. “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham - It’s a classic that teaches you how to analyze stocks and make smart investments.
  2. “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” by Edwin Lefèvre - It’s based on the life of a successful trader and offers insights into their mindset and strategies.
  3. “Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager - It’s a book of interviews with some of the world’s most successful traders, covering risk management, trading strategies, and more.
  4. “Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets” by John J. Murphy - It’s a comprehensive guide to technical analysis, including chart patterns, indicators, and trading systems.
  5. “The New Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager - It’s a follow-up to “Market Wizards” with new interviews and insights.
  6. “Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives” by John C. Hull - It’s an introduction to derivatives trading, covering options, futures, and swaps.

I read this one. This book provides insights into the mindset and strategies of successful traders and emphasizes the importance of studying market trends, being flexible, and controlling emotions. It’s a timeless read that offers valuable insights into the world of trading and investing.

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Actually, reading books will strengthen your theoretical knowledge but the market wants practical knowledge. Even if you earn theoretical knowledge, you have to apply this knowledge on the market through demo account to make it practical.

Books don’t help become a good trader, but would give you insights on how you become one.

I wrote a book “The Stoic Trader”, it’s a daily devotion of the trader and covers the whole of 260 trading days a year, whether a newbie, an amateur or a professional, i can assure this book should be a great help to everyone.

I get my inspiration from this book each day before getting on the screen. You can check it out through this link (Available in e-book for now but am working on its hardcover)

Wow, interesting!
Could you please explain more about your book?

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Inside it is motivation & insights for each trading days of the year - It’s of course a guardian.

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Trading books and authors have different objectives such as -
be a good trader
follow these trading systems
know a lot about price action and charts

Titles from each can be useful and maybe the best traders have a balance of knowledge from all of these areas. I would highly recommend certain writers -
be a good trader - Mark Douglas, Edwin Lefèvre (Jesse Livermore),

follow these trading systems - Larry Connors + Linda Raschke, Curtis Faith, Marc Rivalland, Alan Farley, Larry Williams, Hill + Pruitt + Hill, Michael Covel,

know a lot about price action and charts - Al Brooks, Thomas Bulkowski, Steven Nison,

Reading one book from each group in turn would be the start of a great development programme.


I always always go back to this thread for trading book recommendations. :sweat_smile: I haven’t really read all of these yet, but you might want to check out some of these! :blush:

If you are very much keen to earn knowledge by reading books, then you can read ‘’Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets’’ by John J. Murphy. It will help you enhance you technical skill.

Books alone cannot make anyone a successful trader. They contain valuable information and provide a solid foundation for becoming a good trader.

they improve the odds

Tommor’s excellent post above should be very helpful to you

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did you find it practical for beginners?

Thank you for introducing your book, “The Stoic Trader.” It sounds like a great resource for traders of all levels right?, and I appreciate your recommendation. I’ll definitely check it out and consider adding it to my reading list. Thanks again for sharing!

If you have a question while reading a book, you may not have the opportunity to ask it right away.

Thank you for sharing this valuable resource with me! I appreciate your recommendation and will definitely check out the trading book recommendations in this thread. It’s great to have a community of traders who can share their knowledge and help each other improve. Thanks again!

Thank you for the recommendations! Having a balance of knowledge from different areas is important for trading success. I’ll check out the authors you mentioned.
I will promise to be a friend with books :))

Little Rose is always around :joy:Tell me about yourself, Rose. Or share a link to your biography :joy:

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Digital world, Physical books?

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haha. he already did! perhaps take a chance and buy it!

@OscarR123 try the search function. There are lots of thread about books! Have fun!

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