When you read books, you learn how to make smart choices and not just spend money at random. Everyone in this world needs to keep learning. Whether you have a trade or not, you need to keep your skills sharp. By reading books and papers, it’s easy to get a clear picture of what trading is all about. Then, you can practice a lot to get better. Here are the best suggestions we can make. No matter how much you know about selling or how new you are, you will love these books. I have read or am reading all of these books.
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
Stock Market For The Common Man - Sandeep Yadav
Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas
The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel
How to Make Money in Intraday Trading - Ashwani Gujaral
Thanks for your thoughts on the value of books in trading education. Although I appreciate your perspective, I gotta disagree that books are not useful for trading. In my view, books can be a great tool for traders to learn about the markets, trading strategies, risk management, and other important aspects of trading. But, I do agree that practical experience, discipline, and continuous learning from various sources are also important for success in trading. Anyway, thanks for recommending Assetsfx as a good broker for all types of traders. They have a user-friendly platform and provide a wide range of trading tools and educational resources that can help traders improve their skills.
As I mentioned to @robinroy I gotta disagree that books are not useful for trading. In my view, books can be a great tool for traders to learn about the markets, trading strategies, risk management, and other important aspects of trading. But, I do agree that practical experience, discipline, and continuous learning from various sources are also important for success in trading.
First I want to share my own experience.
You will learn much on demo accounts, not books and papers.
Then I will suggest “Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude” by Douglas.
The name is really attractive so the content is! Finally try to apply everything on your demo accounts mate
Like I said before “It’s a timeless read that offers valuable insights into the world of trading and investing”. beginner or pro; who cares? it’s about insights so, if you think you need it, just go for it bro
Oh I can say my god is YouTube.
A great source for starting and leering basics for everything. I couldn’t say more how I like that and I watch its tutorials.
What I really wanted to prove was that you can’t become a trader by reading books; you can learn things theoretically but not practically. Books won’t make you a trader; you must learn it firsthand.