Trading Confluence with Petefader


oops, forgot to respond. I check this everyday: Forex Calendar @ Forex Factory

Iā€™m not concerned with the actual release numbers I just want to know when they come out. As I think about explaining how to use it to your advantage, Iā€™m realizing I should make a video because itā€™s too muchā€¦and worth a video.

Hello Pete,

Nice to see the logic on why you sold ej. I saw a similar set up on eu. Stopping volume on 1hr and a nice entry opportunity at 5 minute. Text book trade.

petefader are you doing any webinars next week ?
i want to learn VSA and S/R in a proper way . Thank you so much for helping everyone with this thread

What happened to the last post? A brand new member who thanked me and asked about future free webinars. Was it deleted by admin?? Is that where we are now?

thought i would post thisā€¦ often times our mistakes can help us more so than our successes. here is one of mine

as you can tell by the name of the picture.
i was a hog and got slaughtered. i think its due to a lack of a profit target or time based exit strategy. i tend to be up pips only to give them right back. :frowning: also looking back my stop was not where it should have been. I was following to closely to price action not even considering it was a phase consolidation/distribution. i feel like i often think when i get into a trade price should react immediately in my favor instead of reading the story as she unfolds. i THINK most of my problem is psychological and lack of an absolute clear plan ā€¦ ??? any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Kind of funny I was awaiting your answer to that question and now its gone. well???

Seriously, I donā€™t know if I can answer without getting an infraction/banned. I was actually banned a couple years ago for doing things that have been common place sinceā€¦oh just about the time ICT came aroundā€¦eh hem. Donā€™t know what to say. Iā€™ll say this though. These rules better apply to everyone or I wont be posting on babypips anymore, period.

I just had to go reread the new rules and besides asking about skype I dont see anything wrong with his post to be deleted. Edit the skype part out maybe but not delete the whole post.

petefader are you doing any videos next week ?
i want to learn VSA and S/R in a proper way . Thank you so much for helping everyone with this thread

Agreed. And just to be clear, he asked if there was a skype group. He didnā€™t invite anyone to skype. I am taking to him now, he had no idea why his post was deleted. He is a potential repeat visitor and was treated like garbage. This is how new members are treated now that BP got their numbers up after a very low point and loosening the rulesā€¦with no official announcement that I know of back then. I realized I could do webinars for example, or talk about things where people can attend off BP, when I saw ICT and Jay (eremarket) doing it. Was news to me. I got infractions for that. The whole thing stinks.

i got an email about telling me y they deleted my post

this what the email says

Unfortunately, I had to remove your post quoted below due to its violation of our
Forum Rules as Email/IM (Instant Messenger) Username Solicitation.

The following actions fall under Solicitation:

  1. Giving out or leaving your email address or IM username so other users can contact you.
    Asking other users to email or message you via IM or any other communication medium.

Requests by other users to be added to your chatroom or any other communication medium will also be deleted.

If this is the first time youā€™re receiving an infraction, please consider this as a warning message. If this is the second time, please be reminded that a total of 3 infractions regardless if they are different violations will have you banned from our forums.

Please feel free to message me should you have any questions.

Thank you,
Nica Forum Moderator

ah, the poster in question. Thatā€™s better. You learn your place young man! LOL.

Your welcome. Yes, I will try to do at least one video per week. Other activities are on hold until I get clarification from Admin.

I canā€™t tell where you entered and why. Can you clarify?

Looking forward to the videos.

Seems babypips went from one extreme to another. Rule changes were needed but that was a little over the top IMO but hey I am not admin.

I was messaged and it turns out to be a mistake that it was deleted. Nica was very gracious (much more than me lol). I think weā€™ll be able to find a balance here.

Just thinking ahead with a couple of retracement scenarios since Iā€™m not looking to buy this high. I still need a clear signal volume wise before I shortā€¦supply coming in, otherwise I wont be surprised if it just continues up without meā€¦which is fine.

Any idea why the volume on the dailies has been so increased the last 3 days? Its been on every pair as wellā€¦

Increased? I see a decrease. Can you show me what you mean on a chart? It could possibly be your brokerā€¦Iā€™m using IBFX for charting. Iā€™ve come to trust it as being a good representation of overall market activity.

Had to pop in and point outā€¦the retracements I showed previous are off the table until proper supply comes inā€¦still long bias becauseā€¦

  1. Trend is you friend until climax volume (then it will betray you so betray it first)

  2. Slighty more demand than supply in todayā€™s low volume activity so far.

A little more movement to the down side could attract large buying.