Trading stress and anxiety

Hmmm. :thinking: Kinda depends on how Iā€™m feeling, really. :sweat_smile: I take my time and whenever I feel like getting back into it, thatā€™s when I try to take a peek at my charts and maybe open a trade, if Iā€™m lucky. :sweat_smile:

Yes I agree. In what form is your lavender? I sometimes use essential oils at night.

Thanks @tommor. I think somehow itā€™s the noise of opinions I read from everywhere thatā€™s causing the stress.

How did you do this?

Yes a good cup of coffee helps but I also noticed that the more caffeine I have, the more I get anxious.

Thanks @reddawg5345.

I somehow think that my checking on othersā€™ opinions or news is whatā€™s causing me so much stress.

How long does this take for you?

How long do your breaks last? Is it just a couple of hours or do you also take days off to de-stress?

Peter Castle book: The Zen Trader. My learning - detachment from what the market throws at me, as the only control I have is risk exposure.

Peter Castle (Rev. Taishin Shodo) has been trading for almost 30 years, over 20 of them full time. During that time, he has developed stress-free methods to trade, adopting the philosophy Less is More.


Try this

I build my EAā€™s myself, so I canā€™t recommend anything from EAā€™s market.

For me personally, it depends on the degree of loss. When itā€™s a small loss, I usually take a short break for a couple of hours. But when I face a big loss, I need a few days off. Those moments can be tough, and I need time to de-stress and regain my focus.

I take a leave from trading and watch movies and series to freshen up my mind and then again I come back to trading. This is how I recover my trading stress and anxiety.

I do not , it takes hold of me, reading the comments here also did not help, I guess it is hereditary

Well, the anxiety is a inseparable part of the business. Just accept that, when you take that into mind, you will kindda deal with it and go with the flow

Hey there! :star2: Managing stress and anxiety in forex trading is crucial for success. Personally, I donā€™t trade, but I can share some tips to help you stay calm and focused. :massage_man: First, establish a solid trading plan and stick to it. Secondly, practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to reduce tension. :woman_in_lotus_position: Donā€™t forget to take breaks and avoid overtrading. Connect with fellow traders or seek professional support to discuss challenges and gain insights. Remember, a balanced approach and emotional discipline are key to conquering the trading world! :rocket::chart:

Taking break from trading, watching movies and series, going on a tour are some effective ways to mitigate stress and anxiety.

Meditation is a way some traders adopt to get rid of stress and anxiety but personally I go on a tour and watch movies and series to avoid stress.

I suppose every way of distracting yourself from the trading activity will do.
It doesnā€™t really matter what you do, rather than donā€™t do anything that is related to the market.
The most reliable way is to do something that you are passionate about or hangout with your friends if you have some;)

its tough I try to listen to some classical music to calm my nerves.