Trading the indicators

Nope… Only short signal now that I would take is a bearish engulfing. Letting the dust settle on this pair till then.

Did you pull the trigger on any trades?

Euro 10 min chart - right now all the pairs are recovering/dropping and looking at the 75ma on my charts

I took a short yesterday on euro in am - and all I could think of was the slough - they move so slow over 900 molds and fungi live on them - that is how I felt about my euro trade yesterday - however happy with it this am - so it off for profit

Haha… Excellent. Well I have a hunch by this time next week things will be moving a bit faster.

Thats great - start posting Banker so we all have a heads up - your support and resist with the fundamentals is awesome

Ok here’s the question, do you want me to post them on your thread? Prolly would only post one or two a week… But don’t want to hijack the thread

The thread is open for everybody to post - a trader only gets better by improving their skills through applying others ideas or modifying them - one thing I have learned through my work is that everybody I meet brings something to the table that will benefit me somewhere down the road…or benefit me by not using down the road - feel free Banker

and ahh, yeah, do not want to go to someone elses thread to read your posts - lol

Ha good because I was not going to make my own thread.

S&P 10 min - attacking the 4hr ma - not boding well for U/Cad long.
Good that should make it easier to find you then - squatters are always welcome - kidding - looking forward to your posts

Look what forms if the usdcad does go long though… Another 3 point trendline for us to play with next week :smiley:

U/Cad - interesting your trendline is also my 61% fib(since the rundown from June) - your cell phone is going to need life support soon - 40% battery left - oh well trading is pretty much over for this week.

40% and not even close to lunchtime… I’m doomed

…and U/Cad on the 10 min is trying to surface - looks like the market is not convinced S&P500 will broach the 4hr ma…your probably down to 36% now

The 100 and 200 sma on the 30 min chart make a nice natural range for it right now… Can’t see it breaking either today…

And 34% percent…

U/Cad 10 min - established another bottom trendline - however not healthy with that indicator cross over - and agreed not breaking either way today…but by market close who knows. Brought your charger of course

The charger is finicky… I have rolled over the wire a few too many times with my office chair.

Currently it is being held together with duct tape.

You will be reduced to smoke signals soon - well I am done for today - will post S&P daily later - most of the runup this am has faded like you thought - see how it plays next week…should really invest in a new charger, you made enough profits today

Pfff… Just have to wait another month for the new iPhone… This one has lasted me 3 years

still will need to be charged…talk later Banker, great trading, nice talking.