Trading the indicators

Maybe if you keep your office clean you won’t have wolf sized spiders…

So nasty - I live out in the country. Your Euro will need to survive its bottom hold to move up through the trend, indicators and 75ma - if it does not then you may end up like the figure below.

Of course you know I am teasing - always look forward to your charts

I’m predicting 1.2505 it bottoms then breaks trendline :wink: I hope at least… Starting to fall asleep over here

HA!!! Don’t be jealous of my chart drawing abilities…

Again so unfair - tradeinterceptor chart attributes are jam hands, but the left of center indicators are pretty darn good - you just want a better comeback to my burning stickman - I think my yellow highlighter coloring ability is pretty awesome - still learning to color within the lines

Tradeinterceptor is much easier for the novice trader… Perfect for you :wink:

I hate you

It does have pretty colors though…

I am not telling you where the S&P sits any more…but yes it is a very pretty chart to post - I still hate you

Since MT4 is too mainstream for you, I bet you are one of those hipsters who insist on using a Mac huh?

LOL - you are making me spill my coffee - call a truce or the charger topic will resurface - way to quiet on the currencies - S&P is just ranging as well as U/Cad

I’m not the one whose used to buying cheap phones that don’t include chargers…

I don’t think you are prepared for how legendary the upwards spike in EURUSD in the next hour will be…

Your right I am not prepared - here is another pretty chart of U/cad daily - I even added ribbons

…nails drumming on desk…waiting

Whoa! Easy there with the ribbons… Don’t want to push it’s capabilities too much…

Gardeners don’t have nails…

30min chart S&P and U/Cad - just ranging - okay enough drumming, the wait is starting to chip the polish

I bet if we both make a trade at the same time we could move this thin market…