Trading the indicators


The Euro broke through that descending channel to… A positive consumer confidence number may have some downside potential now.

At least your Euro short position won you some money yesterday!

Aussie on the 10 min

I played it for a quick long this am too - its all good

Oh… Looks like I finally got my BEEB on nzd… My EA took it short so well see what happens with it.

Stoploss on nzd is the high of the BEEB and TP is double SL

Now I’m really hoping for a positive consumer confidence release…

Kiwi 5 min chart

Closed NZD position a soon as I saw negative release.

6 pips win on that one.

5 min on market and U/Cad - U/Cad is pretty much under water - this may tip positive for a QE coming out of the symposium - which may see a run up vs a run down - reverse psychology…maybe

the consumer confidence had a negative showing… which my guess is will boost rumours of QE3 and be risk positive… as such I will only be looking for longs… most likely candidate will be AUDUSD… there is a descending trendling, which if it is broken upwards and has a BUEB I will enter long.

GBPUSD has also broken a descending trendline and I am looking for a BUEB to enter long as well.

I already beat you to that one - however my fear is they have openly stated they will cut rates before doing a stimulus

Look at it go! maybe ill get my BUEB on this 30 min close :slight_smile:

75ma held and above the indicator - but has not broken above the congestion

right now the market is actting positively - they must be thinking QE

Agreed… Quite the shortfall on that release

Quite a lovely BUEB on 30 min Aussie right now…

Entered aud long on BUEB… SL at 1.0361 TP at 1.0435

5min market and U/Cad - remember 5 min chart - but market looking good, U/Cad not so much

AUD is being stubborn… The close of the BUEB was smack dab on two points of resistance… One was the 100 sma… The other was the 1.0385 level…

If it gets back up to 1.0385 again before my SL I would expect a quick move past to 1.0400…