Trading the indicators

U/cad entered into the jaws of the indicator below the bite - however if it continues the above is what will happen to Aussie

Oh puh lease… Your starter charts are too pessimistic :wink:

U/Cad on the 5 min below the red line bite however into the jaws of the indicator - below the 75 ma

Come on it is hilarious

So are you making these… Or do you just have a library of stick figures

they are just GIFs -

So was Kate1 through Kate24 taken?

Or the more likely scenario is you started with Kate1 and have been banned 24 times for innapropriate conduct…

Nastiness gets you nowhere - you just wish you had my stickman. SP on top U/Cad on the bottom - need U/Cad below .9857 to move Aussie up or it becomes the fisherman

Haha so I was right… Lol newb… I’ve been banned 927 times.

Audusd has to at least get to 1.0400… I will be annoyed if it does not.

Aussie on the 10 min - it would have been nice to see the indicator alittle flatter before the run - just needs to break out of the congestion - still throwing a top target

Be nice. I will try and make sure you do not do this to yourself today

Ha… Fine… You are feeling sensitive today… I get it :wink:

Aussie and Euro both look like they could break out here - just need alittle more umph from SP

U/Cad 10 mins - this may be a problem, if price crosses here

Well you should be up a bit on your eur at least…

Daily SP on top and U/Cad on bottom - U/Cad double bottom - SP500 holding its own and has not sold off yet.

Euro top swiss bottom on the 10 min chart - both into the indicator but have not crossed mid point. Remain above and below their 75ma respectively