Trading the indicators

No sympathy huh… Fine… ties roller skates on and skates off :wink:

Aussie 5 min through the trendline - bouncing from support and likely to challenge the 75ma - but more importantly has crossed back above previous target

I like to see those skates - a double below knee amp - my heart goes out to you

Yeh… The only ones they had left were pink ones… You should see me zoom around in them.

They attach straight to the knees pretty much… So I’m super short in them… Yet really mobile :wink:

shark died from food poisoning

SP 2hr showing a double bottom - but I am inclined to think market is going to throw it under the bus to show the symposium how unhappy they are

I have no retort to that… Lol good one

…I am sure you will think of one by EOD, I understand you just need time - but more pressing - if the SP falters here and falls further - Aussie will break weekly support - which sets up for long term play short

Aud is in no mans land for me… No trendline play

The aud needs a nickname… From now on I’m calling it the Roo… Short for kangaroo

Roo would have been a good play off of the weekly support - but I do not think trend is going to hold

If you don’t think the Roo is going to be supported… Then take the Kiwi short when it hits this trendline

…patience, lets see if euro and aussie can climb above the 5 min bite line

euro and aussie 5 min charts

Lol you and your indicators… cute

U/Cad is still bullish on the 2hr

100, 200ma, trends supports and resists are all indicators - so does that make us both cute(mine are just alittle more left of center - however normal is over rated)

It’s like the little plastic steering wheel attachments you put on kids carseats… Makes them feel like they are driving :wink:

…well it did seem to work for you, a confidence builder - I am hoping to achieve the same

Lol I’m just teasing… Btw yes I am cute