Trading the indicators

It is cash rate day for Aussie. Sitting on the 75ma. We already know they said no stimulus, they would cut rates. However if that does not happen tonight Aussie may run up and UCad could lose its footing. I’m just saying…

Correct assessment :slight_smile: if I am not in the trade by then I will cancel the order and wait to see what that release brings us…

I am up by 3 pips at the moment… I’m moving SL to break even.

closing out at .9860 for +5 pips… Now I’ll divert focus to RBA decision in two hours

I think Roo is making a last push downwards before recovering post RBA … Maybe a touch of 1.0215 before going back up to weeks open at 1.0283.

Market has priced in the chance of a rate cut, an unlikely scenario, so just need a neutral statement to ease pressure and put focus back to QE3 possibilities.

It is at 38% fib. The next support and a minor is at 1.0175. 1.0229 is the main with 1.0278

Game plan Katherine?

Wrong spelling. 1.0229 is a strong support straight across Aussies chart. The drop may already represent cash rate release.

Katherine is a better way to spell it… That was the most vague gameplan I have heard… Lame

Aussie chart looks to be rounding on bottom. UCad may just deflect off of my indicators and head lower. I am leaning in your direction Banker

Katherine approves… I am happy.

I longed at dang close to the bottom… I have SL at BE right now.

I did a market order at 1.0224

And had another limit at 1.0215

With SLs at 1.0209

I’m in at only half the position size I wanted to be… But better then nothing.

At this point I will just let it run till it fades back to BE or hits weeks open at 1.0280… I won’t short unless we get a surprise rate cut.

If I get taken out at BE and the RBA statement is neutral I will probably long again.

Let me get this right. You went long. Strong support at 1.0229 and you are up 20 pips right now. Ok. Your upset.

Not upset… Just disappointed :wink:

And only +14 pips and slipping right now…

I’m more upset to find out your name isn’t Katherine…

3min Aussie

Banker this is the Aussie 1 day the red line represents a trendline set since 2002 - your asking the game plan - 1.0185 is the lowest Aussie will fall without going outside of the longterm trend. I think Aussie will hit this trendline regardless of the outcome of the cash rate to confirm longterm trend is intact. I would set a buy there and be looking at 1.0256 1.0278 break and 1.0293. I do not like calling trades - I will gladly put the charts up with the indicators I use, but to call trades is reckless.

1 hr Aussie

…boy oh boy Banker

I shall agree to disagree :wink: I think calling trends is constructive.

The best trades are ones you can see coming ahead of time…

The worst ones are the ones you take spur of the moment…

Calling the trade ahead of time puts your thoughts on paper and keeps you from chasing the trade, and overtrading…

I like your trade idea!

Besides, just posting charts is very hard for people to gain anything from if you don’t tell us what you are thinking :wink: and the conclusions your drawing from them.

Lol what?

I’m going to long again at an appropriate level… Not just sit there and re open the second my trade gets wiped out… Most likely wait for it to hit 1.02 and below, then re enter as it comes back to 1.0215

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Its all good…blew the carbon out of the car getting to my desktop…afew thoughts came to mind

Okay, I see. The charts offer a system - however I am blessed on my thread as no one in the known universe trades with tradeinterceptor charts - so I recieve little critique as no one can follow - Cest la viv