Trading The News

Thank you again for the reply, I really appreciate it.

Straddle trades are difficult, guys also try them on the triangle pattern.

The only time that they work is on demo where all orders are filled to the pip.

But think about one sided straddle.

Analyze the instrument, I used GBP earlier - let’s say you wanted to straddle the CPI release because you have no way of knowing the release beforehand.

Perhaps if you were aware of the recent weather pattern in UK you would have cause to think that consumer spending may be muted.
Then figure what business does when sales are poor - they reduce prices, so maybe on that simple analysis you decide a GBP sell.

Then likely a sell stop is in order, if price falls you are in, if you are wrong then flat.

That’s just bare bones but worth some thought.

Play it forward - Jens Weidmann said last week that Germany Q1 was ‘not brilliant’.

That in itself is not trade news but it can set a tone for research.

On Monday morning there is German news, the flash mfctr is termed ‘amber’, but it Monday morning with not much else to talk about, so just possibly Eur/Usd could sell.

(German manufacturing is important to EU )

Do NOT trade it live, just observe price.

The French news comes out half hour earlier, German services also out with the manufacturers, then Tue more German - this time the new IFO index.

Reasonable chance that Weidmann has sight of those numbers, so why the speech yesterday, maybe a learning process in how central bankers use the news - let’s see how it plays out.

Dunno, That may be relevant for the DAX - but I’m not sio sure about Euro - There are loads of other countries stuck with the Euro and they are all weaker than Germany.

But on the other hand, when was the last time you eard a CEO say - “Oh Jeez - the bottom is going to drop out !” ? :laughing:

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Hope you are right since dax has little impact on me.

The market has dubbed Germany as “The Economic Powerhouse Of The Eurozone” for good reason.

Industry accounts for over one quarter of it’s economy, manufacturing plays a key role.

60% of it’s exports are intra EU (of which UK represents 7%)

Even more is taken in - 66% imports are intra EU.

Tomorrow and Tuesday German numbers will have little impact on Eur only if there are no surprises.

The CEO thing, a guy called Ratner springs to mind, I remember it well.

1991, I hadn’t realised it was so long ago.
Didn’t he end up re branding the company and dropping the Ratners name?

Aye, he turned disaster into triumph - now engaged in the Indian market, also a motivational speaker - the power of PMA - many others would have hidden under a bush - hat off to the guy :slight_smile:

[quote=“Falstaff, post:16, topic:146023”]
But on the other hand, when was the last time you eard a CEO say - “Oh Jeez - the bottom is going to drop out !” ? :laughing: [/quote]

Ok then 28 years ago - but that wasn’t quite the same thing - he abused his customers - in print !

Even so, being honest was hardly beneficial to his cause - was it ?

German numbers good (relief) so Euro will benefit.

I do that sometimes and i won’t lie its not easy but very profitable.Here is last week canadian retail sales/cpi news release but remember it won’t go as planned sometimes.

Trading news isn’t bad just understand like any other strategies out there its has its risks.

Hmmm - didn’t seem to work like that - did it ? :slight_smile:


Tuesday over, it worked exactly like that, Eur/Gbp is my main concern, Weidmann’s speech was causing some goose pimples - hence the relief.

The new IFO was reasonable - also relief.

Old saying - you have to accumulate to speculate :slight_smile:

Edit: - should add that Mon and Tue may have been a relief, this Thurs is perhaps crucial for Euro outlook over the next weeks.

Finished now.

What the results of accumulation look like on a chart:

Always watch out if a Euro seller around month end.

Btw see the divergence on zero lag macd

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Interesting perspective Peter - What’s with the "watch out if Euro seller around month end " ?

I don’t watch EurGbp as a rule - so that’s interesting. :slight_smile:

Supposing that a person wanted to buy today, usually early gmt is best.

Bots need reference, often a price ‘level’ 80/20/50/00 are common.

Yesterday’s (Thurday) low was 80, then the divergence on return early gmt today.

There was other divergence WS on US10yr

- a wider view:


Should add, the crossover on zero line was at the 00 level, same level that price refused to cross during Asia.

Here is what that looks like on a chart - note kick off at mid Asian: (chart gmt)


FA is often perceived as complicated but often is really simple.

The UK is a net contributor to EU budget, settles the bill at month end (like we all have to do), so buying of Euro and selling Gbp via our ever efficient bankers of course.

Being bankers they will always want to make a profit and so price went down in order to go up.

The scary part was that just maybe Weidmann’s speech was to forewarn of bad news, the relief was that he was just being Weidmann.

The bots try to maximize the banks’ profits, a little spoofing is in order, all quite legal of course :).

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Thanks for that explanation Peter. Sounds logical to me (Even if I don’t like it much - :laughing: )

SO with Monday being the last day of the month, presumably it’s a reasonable assumption to assume the price will hold, or rise through most of the day, until the cash is paid ?