Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Just the last month? Why not the whole year? Ever hear of backtesting?

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:joy::joy::joy: very good !!

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Top trade AUDUSD grinds higher up about 90 pips from its Dec 10th entry




My two most recent SW Trades AUDUSD and NZDAUD have combined for nearly 500 pips

I don’t do a lot of backtesting myself as markets are always changing and just because a backtest worked for 2020 does not mean you will make the same pips in 2021. Best to stick to a proven system with years of positive results like my SW Trades, they just work


I have a busy weekend ahead so I am posting this early as I may not have time on Sunday

Everyone following my Top Picks should be making money and as a Bonus, I have been urging you to own Bitcoin

Everyone have a great weekend



And here is why I hate stops, big down mover early in top trade AUDUSD, lots of traders would have been stopped out on this only to see price recover by days end



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I never question a traders decision and in particular to experienced traders such as yourself but why don’t you use stops other than risking getting stopped out?? I can appreciate you are displined in your trading and know when the trade is failing and you need to take a loss and get out of the trade. However how do you manage should your computor die or you have a blackout or your internet crashes. How do you manage your trades??

Below is where I would have placed a stop. What is your opinion??



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Glad to have you on my thread Ms duck,
I am a position trader, I like to trade in the direction of the long term trend buying or adding on dips. In reviewing my trade history ( stocks and currencies) I found 90% of the trades I was stopped out would have been profitable had I used a much wider stop or no stop at all. So rather than a stop loss ( which I call a guaranteed loss), I prefer to manage my risk through position size. Having a very wide stop also puts you at risk of your stop being hit during a flash crash,

Now for day traders having stops makes more sense

Now this is how I trade and it may not be for everyone

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@Dennis3450, Couldn’t agree more… Just look at the GBPUSD this week… There’s no telling them…

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Yes that makes sense.

I position trade with options and in most cases I like to sell either put or call options rather than buy puts or calls. Unfortunate as the writer of the contract a seller of puts and calls assumes all the risk and in the case of a market crash that can be devastating.

I mostly day trade and so stops for me are second nature.

Happy Trading



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Yes, you are right I agree with you.

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Day traders beware, NZD taking a hit today

Not much of a Santa rally as markets contract


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and today we swing the other way, I don’t expect much out of this market until after Christmas


Hi Dennis, I also try to create a strong weak analysis to test with my system on tradingview. May I ask what symbols you use to track these single currencies. Best wishes!

I use the Yen as my base currency against all others, my SW ranks are based on price relation to the 200 ma on the 4 hour chart

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A very Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends!

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Merry Christmas to y’all :snowman_with_snow::evergreen_tree:

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No Santa rally, but sometimes Santa comes late