Political Opinion

Disagree and I cite “Insider trading” as an example

That’s ok inasfar as it goes - but gives no power in teh case of “insider trading”

But add “Now use that nowledge to buy shares in the firm you know is about to be taken over” - And there you have the POWER !

Now whether you choose to use that knowledge or find it unethical to do so - or are frightened of legal consequences - is another matter :wink:

Okay, so if “Knowledge is Power” is not an actual quote, then I’m totally coining it, right here, right now on babypips.com: enickma coined the phrase “Knowledge is Power”

Woot! Cheers guys! This is a big deal! :slight_smile:

You’re referring to “information asymmetry”. Information asymmetry will exist in any field the deeper you delve into it. I was not referring to any specialized application but rather the availability of general information.

For example, information on the election. There is generally available information that we all have access to. There are also pockets of information asymmetry that a few people possess by being at a specific location and perhaps witnessing certain events that may not have been publicly revealed or by being on forensic teams to ferret out election fraud, etc. But the general public only has access to publicly available information. That is the information/knowlege that I was referring to.

Now you see - to me “Information asymmetry” (Love the phrase) is simply a part of “knowledge” - I set no boundaries on Knowledge !

For example if I offerred you odds of 6-4 that you could not cut a standard deck of cards 13 times - shuffling properly between cuts without cutting the exact same card twice - would you take the bet ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Officials finally found a case of a dead person voting, accusing a Republican of pretending to be his dead mom to vote for Trump

Jacob Shamsian

Mon, December 21, 2020, 5:52 PM EST

  • 70-year-old Bruce Bartman, of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been charged with voter fraud.

  • He pretended to be his dead mom to vote for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, and also registered his dead mother-in-law to vote, prosecutors say.

  • Prosecutors said it was the only voter fraud case they found after hundreds of tips.

  • Voter fraud is extremely rare in the United States, though Republicans have pretended it’s a major problem and sought to pass laws restricting voting.

If you want to make money trading may I suggest this thread, here it is about politics


Dennis I tried that same response. It didn’t go well… lol :smile:


I gave you my evidence ;


If it is ard for you to assimilate - so be it.

There is another principle ;
"When they start to get angry - you’re getting close to the truth :wink:

That’s not entirely true - I praised you for “not being one of the Crayon Crew” and also noted your fine inputs into the “EA” thread :sunglasses:

If you look above you will see that @QuadPip and I are having a bit of a “spar” - we’ve had a good deal n=more than that previously and yet we can “let it go” I’ve also crossed swords elsewhere with Dennis previously - by conflict we expand our knowledge through discussion / argument / fisticuffs -

50 yeasr ago a mate of mine Jonny E**** said "We’ve got a new lad at school and I had to fight him because I’m about half way - If he beat me he’d have to fight someone better and if I beat him - he’d have to fight somebody weaker - so we all know where we stand !

Now - You ask me a question - as you just did - I give you an answer as I am now

I ask YOU a question - I get Evasion, Deflection, Avoidance - Nothing to do with “Ideology” - although in Honesty - I couldn;t defend some of your statements either ! :wink:

Okay fair. I’m rather excited to have found some respectable conservatives that are willing to engage in something resembling logical debate. If you don’t afford me the same presumption of authenticity then it’s a waste. I’m not anyone’s straw man.

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Stop it with this. I don’t deploy such tactics, and if you think I have please point it out.

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Okay, here is my deal, I will concede I am better off under Biden if he expends Medicare to cover everyone over 60, and he ends Obamacare,

The change in medicare age would cover me, and the end of Obamacare would end the annual 10% increase in premiums my wife has been paying since this horrible programs has been forced upon us

I think it is a safe bet Biden will do neither

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Answer the questions - consider our points - we’ll do fine :sunglasses:

Deflect Avoid Evade - we won’t do so well!

I already have throughout !

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Do they leave you to rot when you’re 60 ?

Our NHS at least Pretend to cover us oldies! - though they are pretty dismissive and just keep sending you for “Tests” then you hear nothing for 6 months !

Can’t really argue with that. Medicare or something like it should cover everyone regardless of their age, and if that were the case, there would be no need for Obamacare.

Okay but every time you’ve made such accusations I’ve tried sincerely to make sure I’m addressing your question or topic. Meanwhile, I do not doggedly pursue the questions I ask you that you simply ignore. All I’m asking for is the benefit of the doubt.

I’ll happily go there - Tabula Rasa ! :wink:

(Well nearly ) :slightly_smiling_face:

Fancy a pint ?


it is not much better here, Medicare kicks in at age 65 and it is no bargain as the average senior on Medicare is paying $600 a month out of pocket for what Medicare does not cover, and it can take weeks to get treatment.

Medicare is the second worst healthcare system in the world only being beat out by Obamacare, we sure are lucky here in the US of A

I’m a home brewer and I have 5 gallons of Belgian ale that needs to go from the fermenter to a keg. Gotta get it off that cake soon. So lazy. I must somehow find motivation.

this is an important point as making voting easier also makes voter fraud a whole lot easier