Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

xaujpy from 0anda mt4


Hello, i do my Strong Weak Analysis from D1 charts. Does anybody use this time frame?

if you use the D1 with a 33 dma or 4hr with a 200 ma or 1hr with a 800 ma you will get very close to same results.


Thank you Dennis by your answer. I was working with 200 ma from D1.

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Tight market


Bottom half of the rankings seem to have gone to sleep while a bit of shuffling at the top with EURCAD emerging as our new top trade, and looking at the chart this is what a trend looks like in a non-trending market



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wouldnt mind 154.40 as an entry. we all know not to chase. right? the cad fits as a weak currency. the eur is working on being a strong one.

EURCAD is not working so well and here we have NZDUSD back for another try.

I am not jumping into any new trades until we get some volatility, we need another country to exit the EU that would get things moving



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Hi Dennis,

It seems that the market is going sideways. Nothing wrong with that, seems summer is here.

Perhaps you could do a bit of a intro on yourself?

How long have you been trading this strategy? Forex in general? [I think you have a video of this somewhere on your Youtube channel.]
Will you return to post weekly videos on your Youtube Channel one day?

Hi, can you please detail ā€¦ how bet against the crowd?

We will have to look back a long way to find the currencies this tight


Yes I am , here is my last post, Bitcoin is acting like the fiat currencies, it is just moving sideways

Bitcoin is my hedge should the unthinkable happen, a Biden presidency , wink, wink

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one could wright a whole book on this subject, in short we know that 90% or retail traders lose money, so we want to trade against that crowd, it is also called ā€œContrarian tradingā€ Right now EURCAD is my top trade yet most retail traders are more likely to be short this pair than long. The gamblers fallacy also comes to play here as people think if red comes up three spins in a row then the odds favor black on the next spin , again donā€™t follow the crowd

At 61 , semi retired I have so much going on I barely have time to keep up with this thread and duel with Carlos on the political thread, Something had to give and it was the Youtube channel, no promises but someday I will get back to making videos


Thank you. Have you identified a ā€¦ moment of divergence between the market sentiment of the crowd and the COT report?

Hey Dennis, Iā€™d be happy to help you duel the trolls. Youā€™ve been a huge blessing to the community. Keep doing what youā€™re doing, and let the trolls fall to the wayside as they have over the years. I took a few months off from currencies and took advantage of the money printer aka Tesla for the ride up to 1500 from $350.


Top Trade EURCAD started out with an ugly down candle but finished the week strong and just a few pips from its entry point

Outside of a week of pullbacks in the FANG stocks, markets are still trending higher as Central Banks all over the world just keep on printing, just ignore the crowd and turn off the losers at CNBC and you should do just fine


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I am with you on Tesla, this is the Bitcoin of the Stock Market, own Gold, Silver, Bitcoin and the stocks that makeup the MAGA, FANG and TANG stocks and you should be all smiles in this market

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Markets are getting bullish as safety currencies settle at the bottom,


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Another good day!