Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

I will soon be setting buy stop orders on GBP/JPY and GBP/USD, perhaps also AUD/JPY and AUD/USD.

After that, what will be will be.


Probably just a contraction. I expect many Jpy pairs to move up.

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I have my eyes set on the same pairs. Good to hear.

It was just a down day and up we go


Top Trade EURGBP is now up 250 pips, February is turning out to be a great month for our SW trades,

Keep the pips coming



We’re coming into some interesting territory with our top pair on the weekly TF. Are we seeing its final push up?

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@MattyMoney, I was just looking at the weekly thinking the same thing!


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If you were long any of the top 4 against the Yen you had a pretty good week


Remember this SW Trade from Jan 15th, had you taken it and stayed in during at 300 pips drawdown, you would be up 200 pips at the close of Friday

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you were correct, at least among the top rated currencies

Hi @Dennis3450 , I really like the look of this trading strategy. I’ve been trading on a Demo account for just over a year now, I’ve done various courses but I’ve been struggling to come up with a strategy that gives me consistent enough results to give me the confidence to start trading with real money. I’d like to give this strategy a go, but was wondering what platform/website do you use to extract daily closing prices and 4 hour 200ma prices to use for your excel sheet? Or do you just manually take it from the price chart each and type the numbers into the sheet? I’m currently using IG for my demo account and trading view for my TA. Thank you in advance and I look forward to following this forum.

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Hi kylehjones, welcome to the thread

For this thread, I use charts from and I manually enter the numbers to excel

Thanks for the quick reply @Dennis3450, I appreciate you taking the time to help. Might be a silly question, but how do you work out your percentage strengths, do you use the formula (Daily closing price - 4 hour 200ma) / Daily closing price * 100? I’ve just had a go at calculating the strengths from the 19th for the 8 pairs, I got the same order of strengths but slightly different percentages. For example GBP/JPY using price data from FXCM I got (14754.2 - 14320.9) / 14754.2 * 100 which came to 2.94%.

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Thanks for the link further up the thread @FOK

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We started the day with Yen pairs trading higher but that did not last and most were down, Our top-rated currencies are still holding their own, and going long any of the top 3 with EUR, USD or CHF is a play to consider


Closed my GBP/USD and GBP/JPY longs this afternoon before the PM’s speech. Of all the top pairs, GBP/JPY has pulled back against its trend today so that’s where I’ve put a set of buy orders.


I’m late to the game and just got in two days ago. In the green.


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Hello Dennis / All:
shouldn’t bitcon be falling ? or only a retrace on Daily?
thx in advance,

Top Trade GBPJPY is now up 550 pips from its entry point, Newest Top Trade is GBPCHF, congrats to anyone who go in early and caught today’s 170 pip up move



Bitcoin is going to have large swings that is its nature and trying to play those swings can make you a lot of money or put you in the poor house, I prefer to just buy and hold

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