Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

i was fortunate to buy in at 1.21090. took half off at 1.22579. current stop is at 1.22550. however it is at a resistance level of 1.2839. so i would not recommend buying at the current level. do what you will. if it breaks, then i can easily see 1.33. this thread is the best i have ever found.


Iā€™m guessing that is GBPCHF you are talking about? Itā€™s trading 1.28550 now, you got out at 1.22550, excellent, never go broke taking profits that we all agreed on here.

And your stop of 600 pips away, good thinking, pretty sure that wonā€™t be spiked out but might consider tighten it by 50 pips or so, do what you will.

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Got in a little late after reading about this method over the weekend, but first go picking a SW pair and a nice little trade on GBP/CHF. Is anyone still long? I was considering moving my target this morning but my limit was hit over night.

EDIT: Going to wait until a retracement to the trend line, or a break and re-test of 1.29 before considering entering the trade again.

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I only caught the first few days of this bull run as I was already heavily long on AUD and other GBP pairs but I did get a nice return on NZD/CHF.

Iā€™ll be taking another shot after price weakness ends, but I donā€™t expect to get an entry until Friday, possibly Monday.


My mirror says I should only look for shorts now when good opportunity occures. Good luck anyone!

Aussie looks strong today but will see.

I was looking at this as a potential for AUD/USD.

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A virtual dead-heat at the top, and the pips keep rolling in



I got in on AUD/USD yesterday at 0.79198.
Also took GBP/CHF at 1.28277.
Hopefully, the trend will continue for both.

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Your ā€œmirrorā€ says this?

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Yeah mate, I mean just following my rules. Some began to fall, but unless the HTF is also falling its just a pullback. So I just wait for more confirmation. Opportunity will come :grin:

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Big down day for stocks that brought USD and JPY up a bit, We saw some reversals today, one day does not make for a trend change but we need to watch for follow through



Yes, itā€™s often confusing using metaphors; people should just say what they mean.

For example, elsewhere a trader had posted a chart of a trade setup, typical Head & Shoulders. Later, I noticed he had posted about another pair, and said this setup was a ā€œmirrorā€ image of the 1st H&S.

Now, did he mean it was exactly the same, as when you look into a mirror, and the image is side to side, or was it reversed as when the mirror is up to down?

By up to down I mean those pictures where there are mountains and the reverse can be seen in the lake so it appears upside down but still a mirror image right?

So to me, a mirror is not the best way to describe a setup; what do you think?

Then again, much trading can be smoke and mirrors :rofl: :rofl:


We clearly had follow through on Friday, nothing shows this more than AUDJPY ( see below) but #1 ranked GBP held up pretty well and showed strength in late trading on Friday. It is a new week and lots of volatility so trade with caution and donā€™t chase price



This is an unusual situation to my eyes, especially with regards the pound, and I feel like weā€™re looking into a trap. GBP held up better than AUD and NZD on Friday and even went so far as to print hammer-ish candlesticks as seen in GBP/CAD, GBP/CHF, GBP/JPY and obviously a shooting star in EUR/GBP.

But it looks like weā€™ve fallen too rapidly for this to be a new base. AUD and NZD are definitely out of the game for now and I wonder if it wasnā€™t so much that the pound remained strong but the others just got weak. My system rules tell me to buy GBP as it has been so bullish and I have orders set but I am right this minute going to cancel the lot. Its just too soon to get long the pound again.


February market selloffs are common as is March bottoms, I suspect US congress will pass another 1+ trillion in stimulus and the Fed Resv will do the same on their end and ones again the stock market will soar back to life. If this seems like a Ponzi scheme , it is, but it is the market and we just need to keep following the money and pick up the crumbs left by those running the Ponzi


Agree, the others got weaker, should be an interesting week, or weeks, wonder how long before a new top trade will emergeā€¦


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I think uptill now #riskon mode is still intact. No matter whatever vagaries last week.

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It sure is but I do feel this is a risky place to get back in long. Iā€™m waiting for a little more consolidation. :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m in the same boat as @tommor. I took profit, canceled buy stops and took a seat on the sidelines.

In terms of trading style I have become far more protective of my capitalā€¦ :open_mouth: :rofl: :wink: You would think that this should be second nature! I have found it was way down on my ā€œnatureā€ listā€¦ like 20 or 30!! Not anymore!! :wink: :smiley:
