Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

rank order is unchanged, 3 days in a roll all Yen pairs were up



Dennis, do you ever exit any of your short/long positions due to high impacts news like NFP and interest rates of various currencies.

I just got home from my two-week trip, Market is consolidating



I ignore the news, it is a flip of the coin at best which way the market will move on a news event. If something changes at the Fed or Economy our charts will tell us everything we need to know


Hi Dennis, there are many ways to determine strong vs weak…how do you determine it???

hi Dennis, i have figured it out!!! interesting you use the yen as the Denomometer!!!

why is it so interesting?

using any currency as a denominator will give the same exact results

it’s only Grade 6 math if you don’t believe it


OK thanks!!!

Good week for the Commodity sector as they reversed most of the previous week’s losses, now will our heads or tails market head higher or lower in the coming week, your guess is as good as mine



Yen just makes the math easier as the Yen is always listed last against other currencies

plus I enjoy being different than everyone else


NZD, AUD, and CAD all show the same weekly reversal against the Yen. Based on this I would expect next week to be good for commodity currencies, at least that is my coin toss


Hi Dennis, yes you are correct. They have the same inflation type theme. and could be starting big moves. On the 4 hour charts, they all look identical for price and momentum and will be watching them carefully.


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We start the week with a pullback in Yen pairs



On the 1 hour tf the yen pairs have turned bearish.

As long as your equity remains bullish.
Enjoy the ponzi ride!

I am expecting a few more weeks of downside pressure to the yen pairs.

Thanks for the info sir.

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Another down day for Yen pairs, the market is back into risk-off mode,

See how we have a balanced market, the two safety currencies, followed by the 3 European currencies, followed by the Commodity currencies

The strange thing is the stock market is hitting new highs during a strong dollar cycle, that is not the norm, but what is normal these days



That tells me that stock market may be on borrowed time!!!

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So Dennis, on follow up to the question i asked a few days ago, you basically don’t exit your positions on any news…you just hold your position irrespective of whether the news is high impact like NFP or not. You just trade through the news storm?

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