Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

You mean on my table?

AUDUSD was triggered 4 days ago, read the New Top Trade column far right.

Indeed, I see that, but my confusion borders around that of 24th of November strong/weak rankings. I apologise for not being more specific. That is the ranking disparity that is the object of my confusion. After giving this a thought, I think the source of his numbers must come from a different broker. It is the only rational explanation I can come up with.

Lots of red to start the week, this is pretty normal for the first week following Thanksgiving



Down day for Yen pairs but nothing big, Top Trade AUDUSD posted a gain. All is good



Stocks up Yen pairs down, Top Trade AUDUSD up again, Gold holding above 2K, and a big day for Bitcoin

Overall a pretty good day for us who simply follow the trend



The AUD/USD is currently undergoing an active pullback of at least 500 pips over the next few days.

Some shuffling at the top as AUD was weakest on this day,


Not the best candle stick to start a new trade on, but Strong Weak has proven these candles wrong in the past


Does that include today’s 70 pips? Love these random comments without any data, levels, or content of value.

It would be great to see a chart and the price action that prediction is based on, or is it just crystal ball for attention?

Average Weekly Range (12) is 145 pips folks, this will be interesting.

It was a typo…i meant 90 pips.That is what i go in so far since i got in;

This is the GBP/USD I told you about a few weeks ago;

Look at the price level now;

Of course, you are right as usual, except for typos.


Big up day for DOW , Risk-on currencies back in control



Most Yen pairs got hit hard on Friday, only NZD was up against the yen for the week



The rest of the market saw Gold sitting just below all-time high, Bitcoin has 40K insight, and stocks posted their 5th up week in a row. Can anyone say “Santa Rally”


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All the EUR cross pairs had a huge day and a big week, ho ho ho.

Oops, above that level now.

Can you explain why you are selling USD against the GBP, but buying it against the AUD?

This thread is about strong vs weak so obviously when all USD cross pairs agree, that is the best indication.

Currently Dennis has USD as the weakest, so selling AUDUSD is contrarian to say the least.

You provide no underlying fundamental reason or technical analysis to support your trade suggestion.

Good Luck

Good for you, when do you plan to start your own thread so that we may follow your immaculate analysis, 2024 perhaps?


Four years ago, someone referred to you as the Internet police for a reason. In 2023, you should be promoted to the Grand Ayatollah of Internet Police with full police honors. You ooze with hate. Your ability to critique individuals in this community is noteworthy, and I award you a GPA of 4.0 for that.

Maintaining humility in life is crucial. Remember, “Be humble because even the sun, with all its greatness, goes down in the evening and lets the moon shine at its rightful time at night.”

In my posts, all I stated was that GBP/USD was bullish, and I took my profits at my targeted profit level. Regarding AUD/USD, I acknowledge that I shouldn’t have gone against the trade, and I incurred a small loss. I trade on a different time frame than you; mine is a 3-month time frame. That is all there is to it. I am not an expert in trading at all, and I am still learning. I utilize a couple of strategies, and one of those happens to be the SW that Dennis kindly offered on this platform free of charge.

Can you argue somewhere other than the most valuable thread on this forum?

Is Santa rally coming or already over? Treasury yields are dropping which is fuelling the risk on sentiment, but there’s every chance the US recession is starting now


I agree, I was merely having a discussion but now Trading Magnet has resorted to name calling with religious overtones, I refuse to respond any longer.

How strong was the irony with him calling me the net police, while he is doing research on me and then posting his own critiques; the very thing that he says that I should not be doing.

And to top it off, he suggests that I be humble with some more religious homily quotes, all the while claiming his trades are the best.

If you really take notice, all my posts are on S/W topic, the tables are based on the S/W strategy, confirming the work of Dennis and contributing value to this thread, while he is posting random suggestions, e.g. GBP has not even been in the #1 top position during the last 100 trading days, and AUD is the strongest and a Dennis Top Trade Long while he is totally contrarian with his sell AUDUSD posts.

Good Luck and have a great trading week all dedicating S/W traders.

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