
I’m planning on taking a long (6+ months) trip once I graduate college in December and I’m wondering if anyone had any suggestions for places to go?

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New Zealand and Australia

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This ancient land has what you need, whatever it is, adventure, self discovery, romance, family entertainment or even just a sun tan! So, whether you’re looking to top up on your culture and history or are planning to book a full blown holiday; Come, Seek and Discover. Match India’s rhythms to your heart, its colours to your mind, and find a travel experience that is yours alone. An India like no other. Friendly, warm, welcoming … and uniquely your own.

"India is not just a people.

It is the celestial music,

And inside that music

Anybody from any corner of the globe

Can find the real significance of life."

PS: Your 6+ month not enough to find the True India :slight_smile:

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I second that…

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India eh?
I was considering two options really, south america (argentina, chile, uruguay …) and southeast asia (thailand, vietnam, singapore …) never really considered india though. I’ve heard it can come with a huge culture shock lol.
what must see cities/places do you recommend? I’ve thought about doing some volunteer farming as its an easy way to have a place to stay and probably get to meet more of the locals (through a program called WWOOF).

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Doesn’t India smell… Really bad?

I have families and friends currently living in these countries. I have not visited them yet though but I would someday.
Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Dubai, S. Korea, Philippines[/B]

[B]Australia[/B] - My Aunt and cousins said it is very laid back there though and have a great scenery. I don’t know much about it but I have seen so many great pictures from them.
[B]Thailand[/B] – My cousin live in Bangkok. If you like Thai food go here. Shopping is cheaper there plus I can bargain…lol
[B]Singapore[/B] – I have HS friends currently work and live there. They said it is the cleanest city in Asia.
[B]Dubai[/B] –My cousin live here for almost 8 years. She loves it. Nice airport, very city like feeling… I think they are trying to be like “Las Vegas”… I am still disappointed about them beating our Sear Tower (now called Willis Tower) here in Chicago. They claim they have the tallest building in the world (I said claim, I still think my Sears Tower is the tallest…lol)…
[B]S. Korea[/B] – A nice party place in downtown for single and younger folks. My brother loves it. Great Korean food and street food. A lot of Karaoke bars…lol.

You should also check out[B] JAPAN[/B]. It is nice there too… My friends been there they love it.

Lastly, [B]Philippines[/B]!!! People are always nice and polite and fun to be with :), great foods… Just stay on the tourist spot like “Boracay”, Zambales, etc. I am sure a lot of things have change there now since I left home…

It all depends on what adventure you are looking for…Travel other countries will give you an opportunity to learn other cultures and compare what you know so far. Each country and people are unique. You can learn so many things from them and you will learn to adopt the way on how they live their life. In doing so, you will appreciate more what you currently have or have not. I have learned that when I came here in US…but there is no place like home…

Yes, Ofcourse…

Google it. There is nothing to see in India. Poor Illiterate smelly beggar Indian people.

Why would you say that? I hope you are just joking…Shake Heads

I overheard some American tourists while visiting the US consulate here yesterday. They remarked that Australia was just like the US, without the interesting bits, and that they were bored. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol that’s because they were probably the pale heavy set Americans from our Midwest states who never strayed out of the Aussie urban areas … As an American having travelled to both I can say I was never bored… I liked New Zealand better though, wishing I was back there now actually.

I don’t know what was my feeling that time. Someone has asked a place to travel and I said a place with what to expect. One reply was slight racism. I posted very clearly what to expect from visiting India. I think these people don’t know about India and the history.

I agree with the last sentence of your post. It depends on what adventure they are looking for. Evidently India not suit them.

BTW, I’m living here in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubai) is worlds tallest building. It is just not a claim. Apart from this what to see here? Malls? Beaches? Airport? I’m laughing now. Is that a intention to travel a country to see airport and some building? Or visiting some pubs? shopping?

I curious, what to see in Australia and New Zealand? Pubs?, cities? Beaches? Mountains? Snow? Deserts? or Just trekking?, skiing? kayaking?

Everything is available in India. You guys need to search it. I read a versus from bible, “seek, you shall find”.

Just Drop the prejudice about a country.

Have a nice day.

If you are referring to my post about India smelling as being racist, I’m pretty sure you don’t know what that word means lol… I’ve talked to over a dozen different people who have traveled to India and the first thing they say is that it smells… BAD. As in as soon as you step off the plane your nostrils are filled with a very strong foul odor. That’s not racsism, it is actually a very legitimate observation that a traveler would like to know about ahead of time.

I understand how you feel that time. No worries…

Yes, I want to go to Dubai to see the Airport…lol. Well, that’s what my cousin told me. Maybe because she works in Emirates Airline…haha. My family just telling me what probably I wanted to know then live out the good stuff so I can go and see it…Shopping? Ofcourse, why would you leave that out to “must do” on my list? Especially, if I can bargain (like I did when I visited Mexico ;)). It just too bad I can’t use my negotiating skills here. They will rather see you use “Coupons” and so boring sometimes…lol.

There are a lot of things to see in Australia. I was told that you can go snorkeling to Great Barrier, lots of beaches, go hike in Ayers Rock,pet those adorable Koalas and Kangaroo, Go sight see in the Opera House. I am sure there are more things to do….I will ask my Aunt for more details when they come and visit us here this summer :).

Well, those Americans probably don’t know how to spend their vacations.

When you go and see these places, specially other countries, you have to have a sense of adventure and open mind for what you will expect. They probably don’t have a planned out “Itinerary” and or any spontaneous things to do of what they wanted to see… If they are bored, maybe they are already boring people to begin with….if that’s the case, they should do a “STAYCATION” then…

Wow, you’re right! They were from Illinois.

Not my relative…

Why has no one mentioned Hawaii? O:

If your into forex, I’d go to Moscow. Or UA…Kyiv is great in the summer as is Odessa on the Black Sea. From Toronto I’d head to Moscow and take the transsiberian to Vladivostok then fly into Tokyo then San Francisco and then Vancouver.
That’s good for about 6 months.

life’s too short for boring cars and cheap wine.