Triple threat exit strategy

dinesh, thanks for your work. i understand the only change we will make is to create an option for monday trades. yes, let’s just proceed from there. let us know when you get the monday option programmed. i believe that will eliminate about 2/3 of the judgment calls. i now have three platforms, ibfx, oanda, and pepperstone and will be interested in running some tests on each.

if you want to add a delta for estimating spreads, that would be a nice touch.

altos, the only way i know to do this is to manually enter trade results for each pair, each day. once i have that in vertical cells, i use this formula in the next column: =sum(d10+c11) where d10 is the cell just above and c11 is the cell to the left containing my daily results. this accumulates equity as you go down. next, select those cells, click insert, then line chart. this gives you an equity chart. if this doesn’t help, ask again.

Thanks for reply PW. As a matter of fact, while I was watering the garden just half an hour ago (Australia) it occurred to me that this would be exactly the way to do it. I was going horizontay but is same thing. I made the presumption there is an algo inside Excel which would allow me to chart this easily. I didn’t currently know where that is but will find out.

I used to be a gun with Computer Associates Super Calc 3 and even Lotus 123 - now that’s a while ago.

Thanks and regards,

i go back even further and used to write cobol and fortran. doubt that anyone can even remember what those were.

personally, i can’t get my head around it , but a couple of participants here are high on fxone. they offer a spreadsheet based programmable trading platform.

hello, what is your closing time in GTM and also can you please tell me your starting trading time

Hah ! Yes I do. Cobol was a business language if I remember, accounting ? Fortran more scientific I think. Long time ago, before C even. I was about to learn Modula when a business merger blew up in my face and it went onto the back burner, where it still is. I did teach myself to write code in GWBasic maybe about 1981. Still have those programs which were all mechanical engineering design concepts and which subsequently saved me countless hours and assured my calcs were always correct and exact. ah, time passes. I am retired now. :slight_smile:

for my studies, “day” was the ibfx day. they are on gmt, day starts at 00. for more on this issue, see the following posts:

  1. How to define “day,” platform and results differences: Posts 5, 31, 123, 137, 148, 149, 152, 155, 157, 164, 194, & 195

Hey all, busy month here. Just getting caught up. So, here are my results trading manually on the FxTrade platform with Oanda. This is 30th of July -> 31st of Aug. trading the A/U, G/J and E/U. Based on GMT 0 as ‘day’:

TT: -1187
TT w/ base x2: -1299.2
TT w/ RTx2 : -1790.5

ITT: +891.3
ITT w/ basex2: +952.8
ITT w/ RTx2: +1128.2

The end of Aug showed a nice gain for TT to see its draw-down about halved. Interestingly, the majority of the losses came from the AUD/USD @ -956.5. The G/J was almost flat @ -19.8 and the E/U @ -211. This suggests that the currency pairs that comprise your portfolio weigh heavily on the outcome of the system. From comparing our original back test results to current forward testing, we can see that our biggest gaining pairs may also be the more volatile. So, I hope you like risk and can keep to your system rules better than Lane Frost on the back of a wild bull… ok bad reference…

This also gives us hope as we end the first week in September. With our new-found upward momentum we can hope to rid ourselves of the red of the red ink and move into overall positive territory. I’ll crunch this weeks numbers and post them soon.

Until then, keep up the hard work developing healthy trading habits and may fortune be forever in your favor.

well guy’s after studing this system for weeks and weeks i have decided to go live with it. I have enough confidence to test this with real dollars. I will post results as the come in.


hi all,

i’ve been testing the system on a demo account for a couple of weeks now and so far it is positive :slight_smile:
one issue though the sell position position is wrong using the Daybreak_TT_v3.22, it usually takes the data of 2 days before, though the buy position is correct… anyone has an idea?
i’m located in cyprus and using a MT4 platform, my days are on GMT time…


try setting your time frame on daily bars, then initiate the ea. after the stop orders are in place, go back to whatever tf you want. hope it works.

I like to use some Price Action rules for my long and short entry orders and then exit with the help from a trade management EA.
So in this case I only would like to use the Triple Threat Exit rules from the EA and not the DayBreak entry part, is it possible to use the EA this way?
I dont know how to write any MQL4 code.

And thanks a lot to all of you for a very interesting thread!


@ pipwoof, ok it worked fine this morning! thx,
one more question: i had the EA running last week (EUR/USD,GBP/USD,AUD/USD) and i believe on thursday afternoon we had some big price moves, the buy option was triggered and then the SL was reached to finally go in the other direction, would it be possible to have the buy order re-set once it is triggered?
i’m also running the daybreak_v1.1 (it was in the v1.2 zip so it’s a bit confusing) EA of dineshydv on the EUR/JPY and so far the daybreak_TT seems to me better. when i have a bit of time i’ll try to work on the code as well.

Robopip back tested this system for July on the EURUSD these were his results
Is this what all of you guys are experiencing?

Should i just stick to EURUSD?

Pipwoof I have downloaded a demo ibfx platform, so I can see what bars you are trading to.
Just want to get something clear
Robopip backtested this system, if he wanted to enter a trade on Monday he was using Fridays high and low. Do you use Sundays high and low if entering on Monday? Or do you just use Fridays high and low for entering on Monday?
Also what are your updated profits for each pair? Robopip just used EURUSD
Thank you so much Pipwoof congratulations for winning

This thread got my attention due to the system’s creator promotes BACKTESTING. Well done pipwolf. A very well tested solid system. May the pips continues flowing.


Your ea works fine. can you tell me what difference between Daybreak and Londonbreak ea? while i backtest londonbreak make more pips. can you explain?

christinaa, i currently trade on two platforms, oanda and ibfx. ibfx is the one i used for backtesting and continue to use for trading db/tt. ibfx is gmt and starts feeding data on sunday afternoon at 22:00. so, by 00:00 monday i will have two hourly bars from ibfx. i use the high and low of these bars to place trades for monday. i know others are using friday hi/lo. can’t really say if there is an advantage one way or the other, just keep in mind that the range for a whole day will be larger than the range for a couple of bars. i think some use friday’s data because their platform doesn’t feed sunday. pepperstone, for example, is a five-day feed, ny time. i have also urged extra caution on mondays, requiring a larger move to enter and being prepared to jump out on a reversal. for testing purposes, i have recommended to the programmers that we eliminate mondays altogether because that is the day i use a lot of discretion and we really haven’t found a good way to program judgment calls.

regarding results, robopip was probably unknowingly kind in using july’s data. that was a good month for the suggested portfolio. had he chosen august, we would have a different picture, indeed! i must add that august was the worst month for the method in the year and a half i have accumulated results. i believe it ended about -1,500, most of that from the aud/usd trades, a pair that was most successful prior to august.

we have the ea’s now which can be very helpful in giving us some approximations of how the method might be doing. using rpotor’s v3.22, i ran from sept 1 to date with these results:
e/j +996
e/u -55
g/j +128
a/u +456
g/u -374

with some exceptions, these are representative of how we might have done. i suggest backtesting a month at a time. after the strategy tester finishes, choose “results.” right click in the middle of the results presentation and choose “copy all.” paste it to a spreadsheet and meticulously study each trade. this is tedious work, but will ground you in how the system works. if i were to trade only one pair, it would not be e/u or g/u, and not just because they haven’t done well this month. there are other pairs more likely to achieve the average +37 pip move we need to make a successful trade. at this time, i am personally trading a/u and e/j, having forgiven a/u for the rude treatment in august. best wishes for your trading.

ty for the kind words. since the past is all we have to go by (pm me if anyone has found a way to see the future) i really can’t understand someone suggesting a trading method with no historical support. but, hey, that’s just me.