TUALATIN zulutrade

For those who are interested I recently got a big DD of 180 pips with Tualatin profile, due to lack of time and error in implementing those trades, for example I did not put SL in one trade closed at -120 pips.
I am tsting another profile completely automated, SKY EA, it combines 4 EAs which I have tested for a long time in demo. One of them is my first EA. I think I have find the right balance. Will continue to test for a week and, if I’ll got positive results I will use that strategy even on Tualatin profile, setting a different order management system, more conservative.

I think you should become a little bit more risk averse, my friend! Nobody likes a loosing provider… :frowning:

Have you check SKY EA my friend? This period for me is very stressfull and my job requires more time than in the previous month, untill november I will manually trade very seldom and leave working those profiles by robot. I think this profile is verybpowerfull because I never scalp manually while that profile most of the time place trades which last few hours. Have a good day Eddy

that’s true, i hope you did not take my previous comment the wrong way my friend, i know trading is stressful and esp. adding up the stress from the followers …trade as much as you can afford, try not to loose and it all will be great.
btw, sky ea has potential :wink:

Hi Guys. What is the Sky EA, and where can i learn more about it?

hey there,
it is a signal provider on zulutrade, logon to the webpage and search among the SPs and you’ll hit his page.
are you a trader yourself?