Typical trading results

just wondering what might be ‘good’ or typical performance for people who know what they’re doing. basically , what kind or results are people getting who know how to trade?

i don’t understand all technical profit terms, so i ask for this:
how much percent per month ON AVERAGE are successful traders making?
how many trades per month are they taking?
setups from which timeframes (that might tell me e…g they’re short term trader doing lots of trades in a month)

for example :
3% each month (e.g. from 30k to 33k in one month, don’t tell me the numbers)
20 trades per month
1h timeframe

my thinking is that u just need on average a few percent per month like 3% and you’re doing great. it gets compounded into a lot of money.curious to know if D1 (positional traders) can get this or can’t as not enough trades

Firstly I understand why your asking this question, when I started many years ago it was exactly what I wanted to know too. Retail trading is very much a closed door approach when it comes to finding success, for one reason or another - either way though it does exist!

Making a profit in the first instance, or rather making constant profits in the long term is exceptionally hard to achieve when starting at ground zero. However, when you ‘know what you’re doing’ it certainly becomes more fluent and accessible (I wouldn’t say it is easy though!).

From my own personal view, I would say that a great return for a retail trader per month is somewhere in the region of between 5% and 10% per month. Some other traders may totally disagree with this, and suggest considerably less or even considerably more.

For this reason, I express performance in terms of ‘r’, where ‘r’ is the risk taken per trade and stays constant for a given period of time for each and every trade [such as a one month period]. I average 5r per month - what this means is that if your risk appetite depicts that you risk 1% per trade then you will end with an average 5% gain per month

[ r = 1%, 5r = 5 x 1% = +5% average monthly gain]

Then again, if your risk appetite allows you to trade 2% per trade then you will end with an average 10% gain per month

[r = 2%, 5r = 5 x 2% = +10% average monthly gain]…and so on.

For the record, I typically use between 0.5% and 1.0% risk per trade. I also have a separate smaller account where I test my ‘luck’ by using significantly more than 1%

Going back to your question specifics, [quote=“harpoon, post:1, topic:104845”]
3% each month (e.g. from 30k to 33k in one month, don’t tell me the numbers)20 trades per month1h timeframe

Between 5% to 10% per month (don’t forget this is retail returns, incomparable to commercial ‘funds’)
15 trades per month on average, perhaps less at the moment
I just use the 1H TF, and always have

You’re bound to get many many different answers here!

And by the way, this quote of yours is spot on :slight_smile:

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having goals are good yes 3 % in my book is good as the saying goes 1% of anything is better than a 100% of nothing, here is something that helped me in the long run i would like to share and hopefully it does to other as well, its not secret really its very basic and since i do have my share of blown account with my old hotforex account and its ok. basically settle for anything above a lose, even if you end up with a BREAKEVEN month its way better than having a negative result. so as long as im on a positive run then its good, some can make up to 50% depending on account size, but many fail in maintaining a steady streak and fall for the simplest trap of OVER TRADING, so set a small goal and work you way for it and it will be more clear and detailed with time. and it should be fine but remember to avoid hunting the impossible, in forex instead of winning, being to aggressive might as well just pull you down.

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There is no fixed answer! It depends on their trading plan and strategy! The success ratio of a trader depends on his/her profit ratio; frequent trading is no essential actually!

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i should add the reason why i ask about timeframes too is because i’m wondering if you can get a few percent on average each month from slower timeframes like h4 D1.

(still reading people’s posts…helpful)