I like the idea of a UBI for some different reasons… It will give citizens the opportunity to follow their passions. For example someone wants to be an artist, a writer, a programmer, a farmer, others may want to save wildlife, travel… even God forbid trade Markets full time …
Currently you complete High School and head off to college or Uni… you have to pay rent, food, transport etc… so part time or casual employment is required… Higher learning will always incur student loans… All this before you even taxi onto the runway…
Anything these days can be studied and learned from YouTube, Social Media, Udemy and many other online platforms for a fraction of the cost of a college degree… This avenue may not get you a corporate job within the corporate world… But you will be able to Study and develop what really Interests you… and apply it to real world effect… Start a farm, become a musician, artist, coder, build a house, travel etc… all of which could develop into enterprises, employment, contentment…
I agree with Dennis’s sentiment that some will just stay in bed… Many do now, with no aspirations or ability to do something that is important to them… Drugs, Drink will still be serious issues.
With a reasonable UBI in place, 2, 3, 4 people can get together with similar aspirations and develop their passions for art, music, health, trading… you would be able to concentrate on what you really want to do.
This would also help with decentralising people away from cities, currently congested because of limited employment requirements outside of metropolis’s… All hopefully leading to happier, healthier and prosperous populations… a true Utopian Dystopia…
I could extend on this quite a bit more, unfortunately I am currently limited for time…