Political Opinion

So when Trump leaves office in two months does that mean the Crayon Crew will leave this thread. After all what will they talk about, maybe they can be cheerleaders for war with Syria and Iran, or just parrot mainstream news propaganda like the new kid or and I know this is a long shot maybe they might finally tell us who they blame for the now 1.4 million virus deaths outside the US

In any case I will not be holding my breath in anticipation

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To the foreign operatives (non US citizens) on this sight who just parrot msn propaganda. You have no idea what life is like in my country, or the hardships the Government has brought to most of the population. From student loan debt that can take a lifetime to repay to mandatory health insurance so expensive most people can never use it as they have no money left for the deductible. We are seeing our civil liberties slowly taken away, free speech is no longer free but must be paid for through some Tech giant who has the final word on what of your words will be seen by others. Our news media once vast and diverse is now controlled by a handful of mega corporations owned by some of the richest people in the world.

You will often see me refer to dystopian novels like 1984, Brave New World and Hunger Games as examples of where my country is headed. If voting for a TV Reality Show host will delay an dystopian future by a few years and expose the architects of such a future then I am proud to have done a small part in giving my country a few more years


The crayon crew have as much right here as the Incontinent Crew.
Its not an extreme-right only thread.


So ending foreign wars and restoring middle class America is now labeled “extreme-right”

I see you wasted no time breaking out the crayons

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Here are a few more of my positions, are they extreme right enough for you

Healthcare that will not bankrupt you
End of student loan debt

and trump was about to end foreign wars and end student debt, and where is his health care plan he said he was gonna replace obamacare with, and let’s not talk about him hiding his taxes, and now china just created a strong trading block where they no longer will rely on america for business. america we are in big trouble heading into the future

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Disagree strongly with that - UNLESS we ration student places to say top 15% of IQ students and give them free education in Real subjects !

ok what finland does have no direct effect of what america is currently going thru

He has brought us closer to this future. I’ve seen more guns, rioting, fires, destruction, militia, riot police, protests, senseless murder, smoke bombs, civil unrest in the last 4 years than the other decades of my life combined. If you don’t see any of that, well, time to up the prescription.

Why Trump is bad for the US and World

  1. He lies. Constantly. Every single day he’s been in office. There’s his truth and that’s it.
  2. He can’t say sorry. He never takes the blame. Ever. In his entire life.
  3. He thinks he is all knowing. His words.
  4. He’s bad with money. He doesn’t pay his bills. Bankruptcy is not the last result, it’s “brilliance” on his part. His words.
  5. He insults. He name calls. He’s a baby. He’s a sore loser. And he’s brought that behavior out into the regular world. Citizens copy him. Politicians copy him. Other world leaders are now copying him.
  6. He’s transactional. He’s short-term. He doesn’t have a view beyond his time in office.
  7. He puts loyalty over ability. Who’s he firing today?
  8. He either doesn’t believe in science or he doesn’t understand it. Either way, that’s not good for anybody.
  9. He doesn’t like immigrants. Whatever the reason, whether political, financial, personal, you can’t have that type of person leading America.
  10. He’s a bully.

You can easily find millions of references to the idiotic things Trump says, thinks, does. Text, audio, video. He’s not shy in front of anybody that will listen. That will play a part in his downfall.


50 reasons the Trump administration is bad for workers


FDT good riddance time for america to move on from this clown

When I say end student loan debt I am speaking of the US government guarantee loan program that allows universities to charge as much as they want and the student must repay the loan and the loan can never be discharged even in a bankruptcy, this program has taken college tuition from something that could be paid with a summer job to a home mortgage size debt.

Funny how you and I can have these discussion and mild disagreements, put have you ever seen any of the crayon crew call out each other, they are like the Borg


America and the world has always label any country who hate their fellow citizens base on race and religion as terrorist, well guess what america when are you gonna label your citizens who hate their fellow americans base on race and religion as a terrorist

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What does this have to do with President Trump, these things are mostly being done by the left and started just days after his election. it is Democrats that are out there burning their cities and committing senseless murders, that is there choice and they were making these bad choices during Obama too

And the only reason I am responding to you is that you put away the crayons and seem to want to have a real conversation

Now maybe you can answer my question from weeks ago

Who do you blame for the 1.5 million virus deaths outside of the US

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keep it moving you so call i love america people, pack your bags and get out america, america is not for you, you anti america terrorist

And exactly what country are you from, clearly English is not your language as what you posted makes no sense

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Isn’t it amazing how they do the “projection” - with a straight face and as though it were true ! :rofl: :rofl:

yeah i know you gonna tell america how much you love your country while doing things to destroy america, you been call out and we know where your mind is at, you been expose