Weekly and daily trade set ups

Yes that’s perfect buddy. Basically looking at the big moves here and I would be grateful for your participation.

ok cool - take a look at my thread - if you like then I can duplicate here, or you can link it here or you can just take a look… whichever is easier. The trade this week in GU is perhaps a bad example as we hit the 120 pip profit level within the same day of the trade being opened.

It’s swings and roundabouts.

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Will do, sorry where do I find it I’m new to negotiating this forum. The jpy sells I posted should break 400 pips over the next 3 weeks.

no problem - take a little look, it’s here, might be your flavour, no worries if not…

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Cheers buddy I wil check it out tmrw so I can give it a proper read :slight_smile:


Usdchf looking to turn at key resistance, sorry no picture getting my phone fixed!

I hope you all checked usdchf I’m already in and profiting on that pair. Let’s look for more daily trade set ups today.

Glastonburyk good thread we all hope to contribute to make it great. Cheese

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Thankyou my friend, please contribute if you can.

I’m watching for price action along the upper side of that descending channel that’s formed on EUR/USD. If it breaks the channel to the upside, it looks like we’re still stuck in the range. Fingers crossed, the trend continues. :face_with_monocle:

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Looks very good buddy I will keep an eye on this, thanks for joining in

I’m closing out my usdchf position temporarily and awaiting retracment entry

. Usdjpy one to watch ready for next week or longer

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Check us100 at a major resistance level on daily

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I believe USD maybe bearish this year.

cadjpy worth a look

I hope everyone had a good weekend let’s see some submissions and general communication this week. :slight_smile:

USDCHF could short to complete the range 0.9752?


Yes buddy a excellent short opportunity I believe I’m awaiting confirmation to enter. Already closed a short in profit on that pair as it’s not quit ready.

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