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Have fun !

hi am new here

Welcome to the community @HarounFarah! Enjoy your stay here and good luck on your trading journey!

Very interesting question.
There is this misconception out there about the relationship between we retail traders and the fx market. As a CFD trader, when you go long EUR/USD with your GBP margin account, you are not actually using your Pound Sterling to buy EUR against the USD (which most people think that’s what we do). What you are actually doing is, you are using your Pound Sterling to bet that EUR is stronger against the USD therefore its exchange rate will go up.

So, technically we are betting against our broker on the exchange rate of two currencies in regards to wither it will go up or down and then we benefit (either with a profit or loss) from the difference between when we took the bet and when we decide to close our position.

So to answer your question, you can trade any pair because you are only betting on the change in the exchange rate and not buying one currency and selling the other.

Hope I did answer your question clearly. If not, you can request for more clarity and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Thank you @Alpha_Omega for your helpful reply. But I don’t know how or where from my post got transferred here, that is something I wrote when I was new to BabyPips back in 2018! :crazy_face: :joy:
Thanks all the same and best wishes

:rofl: :sweat_smile:
You are welcome,

You have been trading about five years now. How’s your journey so far?

2018 was when I began exploring my curiosity about FX trading, but I have not been trading for 5 years, far from it. I spent a long time studying as much info as I could find for free, taking endless pages of notes. Then I spent way way too much time (IMO) back-testing combinations of indicators. Natural progression to forward testing, then in 2020 I had a little foray into real money bets. Quickly realized I was not ready for that, fortunately not leaving too much skin on it, caution is always so important!
Back to paper trading for another long period. Of course I had read a million times that there is no holy grail but last year I had what was for me a deeper and important realization: I wont find a ‘formula’ that works anywhere but within myself, I have to apply all my own analytic power and intelligence, and like for anything in life I simply have to become ‘good’ at that. Beyond rules and methods, putting in hours and focus and letting natural growth do it’s thing like getting better at driving, playing guitar, meditation etc… persistence and patience along the way.
Now I do paper trade and real money both in parallel: paper for evaluating new approaches and real for what proves profitable on average. It’s become discretionary in very large part based on experience, and on the real money side I still keep a very humble scale, that for me is important not only for psychological development but also because I still make lots of execution mistakes and I prefer to keep those affordable.
Apology for the super long post :confused: :shushing_face: but you did ask. You?

And you did respond :sweat_smile:

For me, it all started last year 2022 around September to October. I was lucky not to get lured with this social media lifestyle, but rather I quickly found babypips and took all the courses. Then later went on seeking for more educational contents by reading books, watching youtube videos, taking another free course from dailyfx and surfing the web to understand the financial market in general.
After all that, I came to the conclusion of how I am going to approach the market and the trading style that suit my personality through reassessment of my personality and taking trading personality test which all came out with the same result.
Now I am working on my trading plan and hopefully find a very detail mechanical trading strategy based on my trading style of which I have planned to backtest before paper trading it.

Of course I was demo trading when I was still learning the basics but my approach was inconsistent because I was using a discretionary approach (trading pure price action). But I quickly realized and accepted that I don’t have much experience in this trading business. So it will be best to find a mechanical trading strategy built by professional traders, then backtest that strategy to build the confidence using the strategy, then go on to learn how to execute it consistently.

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As I said earlier: patience & persistence. Wishing you all the best with your progression.

that is the bit that neither backtesting nor paper trading really helps. That’s the reason why I think moving on to real money but the tiniest amount available (or affordable) is an important step and a far more educational one… but of course not before having a well defined and promising procedure in place. Gotta train that psychological side. All the best.


hello. I am Adaku from Nigeria. so happy to be here. My hopes are to become a proficient trader and earn enough to replace my 9-5 so i can make time for myself and my kids.

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hello new guy here just finshed the whole pipsogly courses i highly recommend to all my fellow newbs wanting to do this seriously.Now i am in the process of trying to create a good solid trading stragey that will work for me my goal is to try and be funded by next year !! wish me luck and ill take any advice thanks friends


Hi @SteveKG, how have you done until now?

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Ever ready.

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Halloo! I am the Imperator Kitty Cat! I was a master trader in the past life but now reborn as a cat. Join me in my adventures to work my way up the ranks once more! Just like the Avatar, I have been reborn to reclaim the power and glory assigned to my by the Universe as my Destiny!
Meow! Meow! meow! Go cats! :smile_cat:


Hi. I’ve been trading for a couple of years now on the 3 main US Brokers…IG, Oanda and Forex. They each have their pros and cons. For example, Oanda you can trade with nano lots and deposit as little of funds as you want, but their mobile app is not very good. Forex, has a min. of $100 dollars to start trading. Also their demo account ends in 3 months. The broker I prefer is IG US. Their platform is top notch and they have an excellent mobile app. But they do require at least $250 deposit to start trading live. They also offer a great demo account that doesn’t expire. But I can tell you trading on any platform is difficult to make a profit. You need to have a service like MarketMilk from Babypips and preferably some good indicators on Tradingview to help in your Technical Analysis. Good luck in your journey.

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