Westfx on zulutrade

Saytin I will Private Message you

Thanks. Just logged in again and had another look. There is a ‘Mode’ slider switch (top right) that when toggled between simple and advanced it reveals an orders tab.

Well done for helping each other out guys!

ps. I see someone just took there profit early from the gbp/nzd trade, not sure if it was anyone on here and obviously its the followers choice. However, they risk making the trading system a false economy and losing out in the long run.

It wasn’t me that took profit early…i joined the party late on that trade but it has already gone green…only on demo but still gives me a warm glow seeing green :26:

Are these past or future orders? Thanks

They are entry orders that stand now. ie. they will be executed if/when the market reaches the entry price.

[not market orders, market orders are trades as soon as they are placed, just so theres no confusion]

Ok thanks…thats as I thought but just couldnt see these particular entry orders in your account. I assume these were cancelled, well apart from the gbp/aud one? Thanks for your patience.

They are all current.
If you can see any orders, you should be able to see them all??

On an unrelated note, anyone thinking of trading today might be wise to wait until 15:00, so that all the news has passed.


Just had a look and can see 6 orders yet to be executed. sell usd/chf, sell eur/chf, buy gbp/nzd, buy gbp/usd, buy eur/usd, buy gbp/aud

and 2 positions currently open. sell aud/nzd and buy gbp/nzd.

what i cant see is the long aud/cad and long gbp/cad you mentioned in a earlier post.

Hopefully the USD news will be positive :53:

That’s weird… I definitely have 10 orders yet to be executed.

Is that something to do with your settings maybe??

I think its your settings, I can see the order fine - make sure you have A Clear Horizon set to 16/18 max open trades in ‘settings’

Westfx, how did you handled the Draghi news today?
Lost a fortune?

Ok thanks mbdav will check this out later. :slight_smile:

Hi Eddy,
News was OK, I wasn’t exposed prior to it, so nothing lost/closed.
Its still having a bit of influence on price action, but should be sorted by tomorrow.

Did you trade it?

Did you trade the news Saytin?

no…just sitting on some sell gbp/usd positions currently in the red :frowning: looking to get rid.

Well depending on where your stops are, I think the gbp/usd has got another 60 or so pips to go down, before it goes up.

So if you can hold your nerve you should be in the money??

60 pips down would be good… still be red but would be a nice low to get out on and then go long back up to around 1.7000

i have no problem holding my nerve on this one… it has been an emotional roller coaster but as the days have passed hoping for it to come down and watching it go up, i have relaxed a little and accept it as part of the journey. I had several opportunities to get out but remained optimistic…ah well you live and learn…well hopefully you learn. :15: