What annoys you most in Forex

Good luck with that, you’re going to need it

Why don’t you believe in Stop loss any more? What if the market changes its trend at once and you won’t be in front of your comruter at that moment? You’ll just loose all your money.

What irritates me most of all in forex is uncertainity. for example, I opened a deal in conformity with my strategy, but there’s no guarantee that I’ll make money, which is a bit irritating.

need to be grateful for that stop loss lol honestly, it shouldn’t be ignored

I hadn’t realised not having a stop-loss was a part of risk management. That’s a new one on me.

I suppose what I don’t like most of all is that everything is not as unambiguous as I want it to be, especially in those categories that I’ve chosen from the very beginning. I have to change them now.

Same condition I had as a beginner level . but now I am completely depend on this trading approach after having unfortunate losses and risk , hope you will understand of SL before making huge losses. Good luck

slow connection and when stocks go down

lol funny… it’s best to set trailing stop and run. Everything about fx makes me loss hair haha

It’s very common. What’s more ?

Whats really grinds my gears when traders who say that to advertise yourself, your account and broker from whom you trade is bad, but they themselves are engaged in this, but brand others enemies and liars. As the saying goes “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” If a person has a desire to earn money by his own and help earn money for other people (working as account manager), then why he shouldn’t advertise himself and his account?.I hate hypocrites like them.

For two main reasons.

  1. The way they do it is normally just “spam”

  2. They obviously have zero credibility because everyone can see that their “advice” is incentivized

I agree that people stupid enough to do it themselves shouldn’t complain about others also being similarly stupid, and I agree that that’s hypocrisy.

But more realistically, nobody should listen to a word those idiots say. They’re always doing it because they can’t make any money from trading themselves, and their advice about where/how to trade isn’t worth hearing anyway.


What annoys me a lot is false breakouts. They can be incredibly misleading, and by the time you realize it it’s too late.

One of the most annoying things about Forex I know something that will annoy you about Forex You find a great trade setup, choose your entry price and what for the order to be filled.However something is wrong…The order has been filled but at a different price!What the hell?You opened an order to buy at 1.5957 but it got filled at 1.5961, that 4pips difference So what happened to those 4 pips?Well, this is what is know as slippage and although it seems like you have been ripped off and it seems very unfair, it is just part of the parcel of trading Forex.Let me explain.Why does slippage occur in Forex As you know the Forex markets can be very volatile, this means that price can move extremely fast.Most of the time the Forex market can move fairly slow, but without warning it can suddenly shoot of and jump in one direction to another,this can happen in seconds.This is how slippage can happen, price will move so fast that the broker/spread companies computers don’t have chance to catch it They will hopefully then try and fill your trade at the best price possible as close to your entry as they can, but that’s how we can lose a few pips.

Another annoying thing - which is my fault, rather than the market’s - opening a position right before I notice there is a support or a resistance level close by.

This is also one of my biggest trading frustrations on my demo account! :confounded: :confounded: I could get all excited whenever I think I see a bullish pattern/ candle, only to realize the bigger picture that it’s at a resistance. :frowning: :sweat:

I tried my best in demo to concentrate but failed every time. I failed to maintain my trading discipline and always trade at random. As a result I didn’t get anything from here. but I still believe demo is the master place to become a knowledgeable trader for beginners level.

I too have had my moments of failure. It’s important to pick yourself up and keep going after those moments.

After having losses it is quite difficult to come out regular pattern. This is the reason for that beginner’s level drop out from this market place. That’s why for keeping survive regularly we have to avoid same mistake and have to come back arrogantly when having a unfortunate losses.

I am increasingly coming to hate everything about forex. I find it so annoying having to wait for open positions to make money, and I hate the variable component of an uncertain R:R.

I have started to enjoy writing options instead for that exact reason, you pretty much know what you’re going to get from the get go. Although last week it was quite annoying to have gotten a fixed sum, when the trade would have ended up with a 1:4 R::R. but there is peace of mind there for me and I feel like I can write ane be reasonably comfortable in my medium term growth plan.

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