What annoys you most in Forex

It’s happened many times but I have learned that when I get 75% of my profit i save my trade buy adjusted the Lot

I think that hunter instinct is what attracts a lot of people to trading. Every day we endeavor to go out, kill the beast, then drag it back to the cave to feed the family. I’m just demo trading right now, but every day I fight the urge to open a questionable trade just so I can be in the hunt and feel that thrill. I keep telling myself, better to stay out of the market and protect my stash of play money. A better setup will come soon enough. But still I try and force more trades than I care to admit.

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Just came to vent, man.

Made 3 bad trades. One of them was just a simple mistake that I made against my own trading strategy.

I really wanted to revenge trade. I resisted the urge and put my laptop away for a bit.

I’m too emotional to do any trading for the day. I’m not opening any positions. I’ll assess my loss, but that’s it. Too angry for anything else.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one!

One legit thing is that it requires patience and sometime I literally shrug off the win win situation due to lack of patience. Secondly to keep a constant eye on what is happening in the market sometimes is annoying.


Depends on the trend and where I think its going. Its tough sitting while it goes against you but that just makes it more satisfying when it comes back again.

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Sound advice. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting that there is a problem. Adoption of responsibility is the first meaningful thing you can do once you lose.

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waiting is torturing. do you trade short or long ?

I agree on that. Being responsible is a very important step in the journey of being a successful trader.

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I’ll tell you exactly what p!sses me off most - all the absolutely nonsense advice from “pro’s” out there that actually are nothing more than internet marketers!

They make the real professional and serious traders like myself look untrustworthy and when we then really want to help out the struggling beginner we have to always prove ourselves first. Healthy skepticism is perfectly fine, but so many people burn their fingers because they listened to the wrong person.

Even worse, sometimes I literally have to reprogram traders’ minds because it has been filled with such nonsense “street knowledge” about trading that when I show them how it’s really done, they actually argue with me :rofl: and I’m not laughing at them, I’m laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation and how hard some people can fall for these con artists.

I don’t know if trading hell exists, but many of these snake oil vendors should start packing for it so long if it does.

RANT OVER. :smiley:


Getting a response to a question that clearly shows that the poster did not take the time to read and understand what I was asking. If you’re trying to pass yourself off as knowledgeable and authoritative, that ain’t the way to do it.

I feel you it’s so painful :cry: I was just about to come post about a tragic moment I just had and saw your post.
I haven’t been stopped out yet luckily and I believe in the market that it will hit my TP

Indeed it is! I agree too

For me, Forex is an opportunity to play with fate, try to make a profit and work for myself.

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For me, the most frustrating circumstance is when my plan did not work according to my expectations.

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How about when it seems like your best strategy would be to figure out what you think you should do… And then do the exact opposite!

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Analysis not working is something that grinds my gears too.

This sort of thing really annoys me

Trade adviser says one thing, President says another, markets zigzag on each release and traders don’t know who is telling the truth.
How are we supposed to factor that into our trading?


ElvisChute is asking the real question.

The most annoying thing for me is to have patience. I think most of us face the same. Patiently waiting for trades to turn in your favor.

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