What annoys you most in Forex

Forex is an excellent business where people can make great amount of money. The annoying thing in forex is losing money. When nothing works for me, i get annoyed. Losing money is a very bad feeling. For stop losing money, a trader should learn trading well. I learned from MFX Center MFX University.

Crack my ribs

people who say its all a scam just because they jumped iinto a live account to early lol. the hardest part of forex is the learning on demo part.

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Waiting for long bothering me the most in the market. Otherwise i have no problem in this market.

I think what annoys me most is the market going in a direction for no reason. Everything points in one direction and it just goes the other way… Then again, that’s just how trading works. Contrarian views always win probably , ha

Yes like dumb-wit punters in a betting shop, who think they know all about horse racing, then talk through their pocket saying all jockeys are crooked.

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lol true that haha

yep you got it bro

How can I find blufx on meta4?

It is annoying having to accept that the market is always right, and we are responsible for our losses…

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Sudden market movement due to unforeseen news… Annoys the hell outta me.

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Yes. I agree on that. It is our fault, that needs to be mended for sure.

The only way to do so is to trade as much and as often as one can, in order to learn.

  1. Price reversing before hitting your target.
  2. When price hits your limit and doesn’t activate after waiting for 2 hours +

I agree, forex trading becomes so frustating sometimes

When there is no good reason for a weird market movement, newswires or FX analyst could cook up some reasons for the market movement…when the move was already over.

I stopped reading most of these “analysis”.

  • Randomness
  • Crazy spreads
  • High swaps

i absolutely hate when i do my technical analysis on a pair and someone comes with their own sensible analysis that indicates the opposite direction
It makes me unsettled, do i hold my analysis or consider the possible play out of theirs

The most annoying thing in forex for me is when value misses my take benefit by only a few pips and inverts midway. In such a circumstance, a lot of profit returns to the market which should have been mine if the cost moved a few pips in my favor.

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I feel frustated when I restrict my trades because of any major news or events and miss on that opportunity to place the trade. Also, when my trades go into losses, LOL.