What annoys you most in Forex

The scammers and too many strategies/information, which gets confusing sometimes.

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Seeing a Trade get to a tick or two of your Profit Target and then reverse completely to stop you out with a loss.


Stepping away from your computer to attend to some other matters during the day and coming back to realize that you just missed an excellent setup


One thing I can remember off the top of my head that annoys me the most about forex is when my carefully thought out trading ideas turns out to be a loser, meehn I start to doubt myself and wonder if forex is really for me
And also having a losing streak that spans up to like 5days. It is just so frustrating.
And also the many details one would have to consider and take note of when trading using fundamental analysis

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Lol Yeah, I totally can relate to this.

Loss!! Yes, it annoys me in trading.

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It frustrates me that forex is seen as an unserious financial instrument, although it is understandable.

It takes me 4 days to complete the whole Topics :slight_smile:

In forex I am annoyed when people who are not amateurs get r:r the wrong way round.

r:r is the risk:reward ratio. Its is always expressed as a 1:x ratio, so the capital risked is always normalised to 1. The reward is usually more than 1 but can be less, but the risk is always exactly 1 and always comes first.

Quite a lot of people who should now better seem to like to talk about risk:reward ratios of 3: or 4:1, which does not make sense - unless they wanted to talk about the reward:risk ratio, which is a thing that does not even exist.

Some people even talk about r:r as a percentage, 40% or 60% or what have you.

If you come across someone like this who is trying to sell you something, run a mile, they either don’t know what they’re talking about or they think you don’t.

I can totally relate to what you said.

I’ve been taking some heavy losses the past month.

Often I get chewed up on the H4 trying to trade these small patterns.

And even just today, I traded on my phone. I figured I have everything under control and that it should be an easy trade. Nope! Hit my SL.

Markets reversed because of the $900B stimulus package. I figured it was temporary and the market will correct today. Well, the USD/CAD didn’t correct like I thought, and I got stopped out.

What frustrates me is the short-term fundamental noise on the faster charts.

When am not able to control my emotions and greed, that is one point which makes me feel the worst and annoyed. Handling emotions is tough, I know many traders face similar issues.

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Loosing trades annoys me the most in trading, obviously. Unaccounted Swap charges really piss me off along with gluing my eyes on the screen. But I feel that this is a small price that we pay for earning through trading.

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Hey, please dont kick your poor dog :sweat_smile: he doesnt even know trading. But to be honest such situations are soooooo torturous.
once I was in a trade, running in good profits, just about to hit my tp and then bamm, just couldn’t understand what happened and I was in loss.

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Market volatility

not exactly forex but when brokers server hangs and you are already in loss. that thing annoys the most

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The thing that I hate the most is that my broker does not allow trading on weekends, it is quite a bummer. Also, I hate it when my trades go south.

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AAH yes, weekend trading should also be an option. weekends are the time when we can actually trade.

Agreed! So monotonous weekends are at times. What do you do on weekends, like on days when you cannot trade?

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For me stocks mkt is much better it is more real for me and not random same as fx

What do you mean by, real? If you’re trying to tell me Santa Claus isn’t real either, we’re gonna have a problem.