What annoys you most in Forex

That I can’t stop doing it even though I know it’s a complete waist of time.

When I lose at the most unexpected trade.

Yeah I hear ya… I trade with an EA so if that happens there’s a protocol for that so it still closed in profit

I was doing supertrend with trailing stop on 3 simultaneous trades, the ATR was x3 which means 3 times the stop loss I’d usually put. Then major news came out, busted thru my SLs, then the candlestick went back to normal like nothing had happened lol

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This is my downfall not trusting my own judgement basing decisions on other peoples analysis

OMG me too! That’s the reason I set and forget now

I think this is something that annoys most traders.

Most times when I’ve been waiting to get to my TP…what I do is adjust my stop loss a little and contemplate whether to take the little profit or now.after few moves I’ll just act up and decide

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We just alike…all is good until the internet fails and the market moves against you

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My best method so far is trailing my stops without any sL

This is how often we have spent a lot of time for our Tp and And we are waiting for profit that our TP will be hit But the market reverses closely to your TP And this thing hurts a lot

When a trade goes completely the wrong way after you have waited and analysed the chart for ages

Ahaa it is therapeutic to read some of the comments and realise that we all at one point experience these frustrations. When the market reverses close to TP is the worst heartbreak- now I just smile and remember another opportunity will present and it’s not personal :smiley:

When there are huge moves in the market when your away from the keyboard, especially after being in front of the market for hours with very little price action, and when you leave for a break price action starts. There are a few others, but this is one of the first ones which comes to mind.


Isn’t market volatility suppose to be something traders love?

What makes you think it is a waste of time?

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Right now we live in a world of unexpected situations that can significantly influence the outcomes of trading. The COVID situation is the example. Therefore, for beginners I would recommend to trade short, because it is much easier to conduct a technical analysis of the graphs. At the beginning of the year I tried to use swing strategies rather than position ones and got pretty good results. If you are interested, you may read https://timthomas.co/6-of-the-best-swing-trading-strategies/ . But there is no the most effective strategy after all, because unexpected conditions may occur and we do not know when. All traders need to focus on is analysis and "gut instinct"

Its important for newbies to understand the risk involved in trading and not follow any strategy blindly without testing it thoroughly… I agree with you completely.

Sometimes when we have followed each and everything properly and we still see the face of the failure, it annoys me a lot.


If Forex annoyed me, I probably would not trade at all. There are moments that make you think and make decisions for a reason, but it is rather even useful.