What are best tips to maximize the profit?

I am a beginner.
Please tell me some best tips to maximize the profit.


If you want to maximize your profit you need to make a good and prof\itable trading plan.

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Start think about risk :slight_smile: profits should come naturally


i wouldn’t promise making anyone a millionaire, lol

i am not one myself, but trust me i have blown my balance many times and finally we on the winning ways now.

i just decided to make a blog to share my trades so everyone who comes across can join me make some profits in pips

you can check my page out from the link below

Click here to check blog https://()storyline(.)com(.)ng remove the () to visit the site

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You can not ignore journal work. If you really want to improve, you need to review your trades or trading activity every now and then. You can do it on daily, weekly or monthly basis, but journaling is important to improve and maximize profits.

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Go through the threads below.

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When you find a position that is moving in your direction, keep the position open (or at least half of it) and keep adding to it. Maintain the same capital risk limit as in the first trade.


Yap,you’re right

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Don’t use high leverage, always set stop loss in your trades and try to keep profitable trades as much as possible keeping an eye on the larger picture. And don’t fight the trend - catching falling knifes is a risky approach for newcomers.


“Falling knives have no handle.”

You’re the second person I’ve ever heard use this expression about falling knives.

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How do you suggest we add position? After price move how many pips in our direction?

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You have the choice, plan it in advance.

Aggressive - Just keep adding new positions when the profit equals the risk on Trade 1, and move the stop forward the same distance each time. For ever. Until the trend ends.

Cautious - When profit equals risk close half the position and then wait for a new entry signal and add a new position with the same risk as the initial risk on Trade 1. And keep doing this.


The simplest way to maximize your profit is to have a money management plan and a profitable trading strategy.

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Knowledge and Strategy

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Hello and welcome to the community! For a beginner, the best thing that I can suggest is learning as much as you can. It is your knowledge that will make you a better trader. Stay open to learning throughout your trading career and make the most of the market situations.

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While I don’t want to discourage the newer members who are posting here and who are only trying to be helpful, advice like improve your knowledge and use a better strategy are not really tips to maximise profit.

Suppose you have just one chance to talk privately with Lewis Hamilton in Monaco face to face for 5 minutes. So you ask him for some tips on how to win at Formula One. And suppose he said, “Just drive better, man…”
How would that help you? And what would that make you think about Lewis?


planning and hardwork is something what is required to maximise the profit.

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You need to have a strong trading plan. Try out different strategies on a demo account and whichever seems to work for you, apply that on your live account.

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A money management plan plus a good strategy which is tried and tested would also result in maximizing the profits.

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I think in addition to both of them the emotional response to the trades would be a factor to profit or loss. If you don’t show confidence in your strategy, a person can miss good opportunities of trade.

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