What are the simple things that make you happy?

Yes experinced this multiple times :grinning: :grinning: :innocent: :grin:


I used to do that! I used to leave money in my pockets in different pants. It feels so lucky!

Something I used to enjoy when I used to work in an office, the days I would be late, but no one would see me.

My supervisor probably knew I wasn’t at my desk at 9:00, but I liked to think that no one saw me come in 15 minutes late.

Another simple thing that makes me happy is when I leave the house on time. For anything. I used to ALWAYS leave the house late. But leaving on time is a great feeling. So great that it was weird. I was so accustomed to the stress of rushing that when there was no rush, it felt strange.

Hahah I can feel this. I am the biggest procrastinator you would ever come across so the one simple thing that makes me happy is when I tick mark all the things on my checklist. Feels so light!

Another simple thing is good food- it makes me instantly happy :slightly_smiling_face:

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Another simple thing I really enjoy is natural sunlight when I’m inside. When the sky is clear outside and tons of natural light are coming inside the house. It’s so uplifting!

Just like this!

Oh!! Another thing is a day with NO appointments, and NO errands. And there’s nothing you HAVE to do. The weekends are great for this.

The BEST is calling out sick from work on a Monday. Every place is empty on Monday. If you go to the beach or the mall on the weekend, it’s packed with people! But not on Monday!!

What are the simple things that make you happy?

Two things come readily to mind.
The first is seeing the people around me (family and close friends) being happy especially if I have contributed to that happiness.
The second is watching and counting the number of different types of birds I encounter in a day. I counted a lot the other day. Some of these include:
Black bird
Humming bird
Jamaican oriole
John crow
Pea dove
Ground dove
Jamaican parakeet
Jabbering crow
White wing dove
Grass quit
and last but not least my two budgies on the verandah :heart_eyes:

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Wait, wait. Are these the common types that you see? Or the types you saw all in one day?

If you saw these in one day, I’d love to know where you saw them. haha. It must be some kind of magical land with dwarves and elves!!

EIther way, that sounds beautiful. Watching nature is so relaxing!!

I dont live in the town, I live in a rural area but not too far from the town still. Down here we would say I live in the bush, lol. A few acres.
When I open the back door in the morning to go to move the cow in the morning I may see a Jamaican bald pate fly away as they nest in a tree nearby and are really wild. On the way to the cow I may see a few ground doves and pea doves fly up from the fields as well as grass quits and banana quits about the place. By the time I reach the cow an egret or two will be sitting on his back or standing somewhere near him. If I stand for a half hour or so I would probably see john crows in the sky, a nightingale, orangequit, loggerhead and pewee going about their business. There are others but you guys wouldnt know them by their local names (jumper [white chinned thrush], ants picker, bluesquit, markhead [Jamaican Spindalis], bow down [dark colour tick bird]). Fruit trees including papaya, orange and banana all over the place. All this is in the course of a typical day. Once in a while I will see a chestnut bellied cuckoo or different types of hummingbirds. I forgot to add the woodpecker one of which just swooped past me when I went to give the cow water minutes ago. Keep in mind that I havent even gone into what you guys would call thickets yet.

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OMG! That sounds amazing!!! It’s pretty close to magical! Being in the country is so peaceful.

Do you ever get to do this? This is something many of us don’t get to enjoy. Just go outside, stand still, and smell the fresh air.

I’m kinda busy, but I enjoy going outside and smelling the fresh air for a moment. I enjoy the moon at night, as well.

Sometimes, I see red robins or blue jays. They’re cool to see. Sometimes, I watch the squirrels and I do an inner monologue for the squirrel. haha