What big professionals usually hide and will never say to you or Holy Grail approach

Introduction: Hello world, ohh sorry! Hello dear colleague’s traders and I hope my future friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Thomas Berks. I am 32 years old, and I have been in trading and investing already more than 12 years. I began my career at Morgan Stanley bank, as an assistant of investment manager, and my last vacation was Citadel Global Equities Master Fund Ltd in position of strategy development manager. To be clear I’m millionaire.

Over the years I saw different methods in Investing and Trading, some use Technical analysis, some Fundamental, Price Action, VSA, Delta or even more complex as a Neutral networks or Financial Astrology.

You know that over 98% loses money in trading, and this is TRUE. Just face reality 9 of 10 traders will lose. Its terrible stats. So we have to do something about it, and use methods and tactics in which we SURE and CONFIDENT that will makes profit/money to our pockets. So let’s see…

-How traders trade the most?! Or the road, which you shouldn’t go…
-Generally most of the traders trying to trade via Technical and Fundamental analysis. Someone use a tape/level 2, volume, impulses/pullbacks/breakouts, someone bought a miracle indicator and itching to try it on the market, some trade with the trend and some against it. There are more and more interesting types of trading such as price Manipulation, algorithmic, seasonal, etc.

YOU really think you need to learn all this techniques and methods to make profits?!
From all above methods - price Manipulation guarantee stable profits, but this not safe… FOR that you can go to prison for more than 20 years…

Do YOU really think that Warren Buffett or large hedge funds are sitting in their offices and draw a trend line, or watching the price patterns?!

-So who can help you to learn how to earn money?!
-The market itself. Yes, yes just market. You don’t need to go anywhere, to buy some miracle course or indicator, you just need to dedicate yourself to study market by yourself, take time on market research. In silence, alone, without distractions…

-Ohh man I wanna make money, what I need to do?!!
-I will leave quote from one of the greatest traders: “In going over the history of markets and the great mass of related statistics, it soon becomes apparent that certain laws govern the changes and variations in the value of stocks, and that there exists a periodic or cyclic law which is at the back of all these movements. Observation has shown that there are regular periods of intense activity on the Exchange followed by periods of inactivity.”

Do you think that market moves chaotically?! So explain to me HOW S&P 500 and Dow Jones in 2012, perfectly repeated, went and traded like in 1929?!

Still believe in coincidence?!

  • I’ll tell you moreover, that you can know all intraday moves in advance, I’m not talking about predicting, guessing, or hope, I talk about to KNOW where, when and what will be the price in European, American session…

-So what we should do exactly?
-Just post rite the WIDER the market, remove all your indicators, all your news and learn just clear charts! By your eyes… Below are a few pictures, you can see how the market repeated the same patterns… And at different instruments, at different time periods, the same models…

And this approach works in every market, every timeframe.
I will attach some screens of my past activity in 2013, when I left Citadel fund and began trading for myself. From tomorrow I will post my trades here…

If this topic will be interesting for you, I can continue…

Best regards, Thomas.

Welcome friend.

I like it when trader’s share their thoughts so so if it is up to me I’d like you to continue. :slight_smile:

You have my attention.

I’m intrigued…

Welcome Thomas

Please do continue. Its nice to hear personal thought vs the normal recycled garbage many marketers try and pedal here.

Look forward to hearing more of your views and seeing if i can apply them to my trading. But please don’t isolate yourself to a thread. Come join us in the community. Its a “funny” place.


Hello friends, thank you for your response.:wink:

As i promised i post one of my today’s trades, it was made on Gold Futures (GC contract).

Trade was opened based on Intra-day models.


Also i opened trade in British Poud Futures, again trade was opened based on Intra-day models.

Best Regards, Thomas.

What derivates/markets do you prefer if one can ask.

I’m guessing your capital base is a bit a bit more generous than mine allowing you access to deferent “resources.” Makes life a bit easier than me trying to work the B book of my local bucket shop.

  1. I prefer CME futures, like Oil, Gold, Euro, British Pound, S&P 500.
  2. “resources” - No, it’s much simplier, you will see that soon, because i wanna share some my methods with others here.
    To be clear, i have a big plans, maybe build community or LIVE trading room, or maybe … we’ll see…

I don’t know, if someone here interested in trading S&P Futures, but i also got a trade today. Even 2 trades.

Best Regards, Thomas.

This seems interesting. Do you have a website explaining how this works?

No, not yet. I plan describe my approach here… Well, we’ll see…
We can organize LIVE trading, or something like that…

Best Regards, Thomas.

Here is another one trade on Crude Oil Futures:

  1. I sold oil at 39,53 but i taken a loss on 39,62. (-9 points)
  2. Another short at 39,48 and closed position with profit at 38,73. (+75 points)

Best Regards, Thomas.

Very interested to learn more about your approach. Can you share here or can we talk on Skype?


Seems like i have found something to follow.
Looking forward to learn from you sir.

you got me too…very interested in your trade style

I will follow you with big interest!
Thanks for sharing and taking your time!

Interesting post, looking forward to your fully description of trading method and strategy.


Your paterns dont look like Eliot. How do you find them? What is the expectancy of your system? etc…

Hello dear traders, thanks for your replies, now i see that i have your attention.

I’m prepairing very usefull and moreover practical information, you’ll like it, right now i’m making LIVE trades, for better explanation, not on history, like most do, but in REAL trading, so you will have to wait untill Itomorrow.

But before i leave, here is some another trade i made today on British Pound futures, trade still open, soon after 20 minutes i will close it.

Have a good day, Thomas.

Real trade tomorrow ??? Is it not saturday tomorrow, haha?!?

Real trades today, I have to make video today, after that upload and etc.It will take some time. So you have to wait until tomorrow. I meant this, not that I will trade tomorow.