What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

EOD = End Of Day data, that is, the charts show the closing price of the trading day on the futures exchange in question.

Thanks chap.

All the best for the new year.

Visit the first post of this thread for a new video intro and trade reviewā€¦

GLGT :cool:

PS: I find it interesting the naysayers in the poll have voted on the thread prior to seeing itā€™s completionā€¦ :rolleyes: lol

Thanks ICT! Been looking forward to your next installment! :smiley:

Great job once again ICT. Was patiently waiting for the new videos :smiley: hope to see more videos this weekā€¦thanks again

Did you happen to go long GU @ 1.54508? I ended up taking partial profit @ +30 and the rest just south of 1.55151, about 4 pips south because I enjoy overpaying for spread :). Which reminds me I need to switch brokers, 3.6-4 pip spread is hard to pay on GU, especially when I remember seeing another MT4 broker offering 2.8.

Surely the same could be said for those who ticked the other 2 boxes?

Youā€™re only a third of the way through the content therefore you havenā€™t yet delivered.
If youā€™re silly enough to include an option that quite clearly reflects the current scenario then donā€™t be surprised when folks take you up on it.

It would have made more sense to complete your assignment first to allow those interested parties to fully process the information before asking for feedback on the content.

Iā€™ll respond to this simply on the basis it reflects the contrary to ā€œcommon senseā€. I added the poll to measure what the readers have received at this pointā€¦ I could stop here and it has delivered more than any other thread on Babypipsā€¦ as it deals with the major pitfalls most encounterā€¦ not for Technical Analysis or Trading Concepts alone.

Your comment has the tone that suggests if I were giving the daily lottery numbers and they were winners you would have something negative to say regarding that as well. Suggesting anything I have done on here as silly reflects ignorance as nothing I have done on here is closely resident to silly nor would or should it be received as such.

What is silly is for you to defend a mute point and suggest it is wise or admirable to vote negatively on a matter not completely presentedā€¦ this alone shows ignorance on either range of itā€™s definitionā€¦ either you are ignorant in the sense that you are not following alongā€¦ or you simply are ignorant in itā€™s rudest senseā€¦ either can be corrected.

I am quite content with readers not agreeing that the material I present is insightful or benefit to their development. I expect itā€¦ much like I expect to see the same old faces come in a try to detract for detracting sake. The poll is there to allow me and others to measure what others have gleaned thus farā€¦ itā€™s not a final ā€œreport cardā€ā€¦ so Iā€™m not offended in the leastā€¦ nor should anyone for that matter.

So to respond to your question in your postā€¦ no the same could not be said for the other two options. Everything I do is methodical and planned with a expected intent and purpose. The option for those to flame is there to illustrate how there will always be those who want to be contrary and even when there is no contrary position to be hadā€¦ and your comments further solidifies this truth.

Those that responded with it is helpful as a newbie merely are sounding off they received something they didnā€™t receive elsewhere. Those like myself who have been trading for some time simply gave a ā€œnodā€ towards the intended purpose and content of this threadā€¦ and then the others that fall outside this range can chime inā€¦ I allowed for the contrarian at heart.

Soā€¦ it is silly for anyone to answer it has not delivered before itā€™s made itā€™s final presentationā€¦ not the other way around. Secondly, [U]it would made sense for you[/U] to have responded after the presentation was completedā€¦ your logic is warped. The attempt of defending such a mindset is foolish and bordering on adolescent. I would understand if I were spamming or selling an angle, ā€¦ but I do this out of my own time, effort and generosity. I donā€™t expect anything in response or returnā€¦ but I do find it interesting how some could be so predictable and do the very things I see repeated over and overā€¦ so I assure you Iā€™m not in the least bit ā€œsurprisedā€. :rolleyes:

Proverbs 18:13 comes to mind :o

However, Iā€™m a realistā€¦ and when the final post makes its way to this thread and I have finished my workā€¦ if this thread fails to tickle your fancyā€¦ by all means sound offā€¦ but if I helped one guy or gal in their struggle as a newbieā€¦ it will have been worth it. I will have received my reward.

GLGT :wink:

1/3 of the way through, only two trimester to go in this elephant pregnancy then, I hope the baby is not D.O.D. :rolleyes:

WTG!!! I traded what the videos have detailed thus farā€¦ working on material though, lol

I was wondering why the 4 people voted negative what their reasons were. You both make a good point. An exit poll might have been better but you want to guage current opinion also. This thread along with the technical templates threads was recently recommended to a noobie who asked how best to study forex. From what Iā€™ve heard about the TT threads that puts you in pretty good company. What I like about Michael is he speaks plain English where the other threads have some strange dialect that makes them hard to follow.

keep up the good work Michael and donā€™t let the nay sayers run you off.

"illigitium non carborundum"
thatā€™s not real Latin by the way, but I always liked the phrase.


You donā€™t follow along well or you simply are too wrapped up in your own trolling to realize I donā€™t mind an opposing viewā€¦ in fact thatā€™s how I make money.

Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t know what a Lonesome Dove epic is but I clearly see shades of Green in your flameā€¦ enjoy yourself. :wink:

Nobodyā€™s running anyone offā€¦ I have this thread structured more organized and was prepared for the goobers to come piling inā€¦ Iā€™m frankly surprised they waited this long though. lol

They just want to be seen and spoken toā€¦ seeing nobody else gives two shakes about their other posts. Let them have their funā€¦ it keeps the thread active and provides comedic relief while I record new videosā€¦ lol :slight_smile:

Now whereā€™s that icepackā€¦ this ego of mine is hurtingā€¦ :cool:

Interesting comment considering youā€™re one of the four who voted that the thread doesnā€™t deliver. Does that mean you think the ICT method of trading isnā€™t good? To me (still consider myself a noob) it seems good because he focuses on support / resistance and not much in the way of indicators which we all know indicators arenā€™t much good for the most part.

Just wondering, are you British? I only wonder because ā€˜pay riseā€™ looks like the phonetic spelling of the British pronunciation of ā€˜pay raiseā€™ or maybe itā€™s just a typo.

A man that moves mountains begins carrying away small stonesā€¦

Owwwwkay, if we could all just calm down for a moment, I have a question. :wink:

ICT, on your latest video (Fibs Pivots Intro, which is great by the way), you mention that your swing trades are broken down into trend trades and pivot zone trades; the one you describe obviously being a pivot zone trade.

Now, in trading this system, do we still follow the guideline in your Top Down Analysis Checklist: ā€˜We try to trade in line with the long term directional bias and when the 4-hour market flow is in syncā€™?

In other words, weā€™re looking for the price to drop into the buy zone when directional bias indicates a long trade? Vice-versa for short obviously.

Or is pivot zone trading equally suitable to trading retracements off trend direction? Or for trading in a ranging market?

Many thanks for all of your videos so far. They ARE making a huge difference to me and I am sure many other new traders. I for one couldnā€™t give a ratā€™s whatsit what anyone else thinks!

Mind you, it is difficult to forgive your strangulation of the English language in your poll question :slight_smile: (joke)

Iā€™m going to TRY and avoid a long ā€œmy backgroundā€ type post because I want to get to my question. But for what itā€™s worthā€¦
Iā€™m familiar with trading concepts from the learning I did for the ā€œstock marketā€.

Charting, Candlesticks,Technical analysis, support, resistance, RSI, OBV, Bollinger bands, overbought/sold, Doji, etcā€¦
I get all of these.

But I am struggling with nuances specific to the forex game.
Iā€™ve gone through nearly all of the ā€œschoolā€ here at babypips.com and Iā€™m starting to get it. (I admit to only lightly skimming the topics dedicated to the ā€œknownā€ items listed above.)

So Pips, lots, etc ā€¦ ok I get those now.
And several other great forex ā€œtutorialsā€ have really brought home the concepts of leverage/margin/risk much better than any of my previous stock education attempts.

So itā€™s getting better.
Itā€™s getting better - itā€™s getting better (repeat mantra)

Unfortently there are few things that SEEM basic yet Iā€™m just not wrapping my head around them.

For example - in the GREAT resources provided by this thread - the Risk management video gives the following example:

[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)
And I just canā€™t wrap my head around the list item.
I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size


If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means weā€™ve got $100 to spend on the trade right?
It seems that would pretty much determine position size, no?

ā€¦ unless this formula indicates weā€™re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didnā€™t seem right to me. If that is the intent - wouldnā€™t doing so add enough leverage that we would expose ourselves to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?

I went so far as to email Michael and he VERY GRACIOUSLY provided the following answer:

ā€œSince the example is assuming the trading account is $5000 USDā€¦ we do not want to expose our account to more than 2% maximum riskā€¦ 2% of $5000 is $100 USD. Since we have a total of $100 USD risk and the trade setup is valid using a 25 pip stopā€¦ $100 / 25 pips gives us a factor of 4ā€¦ this means $4 per pipā€¦ on a mini lot each pip is valued at approx. $1 USD per pipā€¦ to arrive at the leverage of $4 USD per pipā€¦ we trade 4 mini lots for this trade example.ā€

which I know SHOULD make things clear - and to a more seasoned Forex student is probably more than enough - and I know Iā€™m probably just over thinking it - but Iā€™m still unclear.

So Iā€™d like to solicit some knowledge from the group.

Thanks again for the help!
This site is remarkably supportive and I truly appreciate the time.

Just to be clear Iā€™ll restate my question:

The Risk management video gives the following example:

[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)

I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size butā€¦

If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means weā€™ve got $100 to spend on the trade right?
It seems that would pretty much determine position size, no?

ā€¦ unless this formula indicates weā€™re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didnā€™t seem right to me. If that is the intent - wouldnā€™t doing so add enough leverage to that we would expose ourselves to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?

wowā€¦ much longer thread than I had hoped! :eek:
Thanks all!

  • Doug

Yesā€¦a long way around asking a question of which Iā€™m not entirely sure of. :o

Are you concerned that the margin required to open a trade based on 4 mini lots somehow affects your risk?

What I understand is not that you need to spend $100 on the trade, just that you will use a 25 pips SL that if you lose, then, the result of this PARTICULAR trade will be -$100 or - 2% of your account equity.

Best regards

ā€œMe quedarĆ©, me quedarĆ©, siempre cubano me quedarĆ©ā€¦ā€

Are you assuming that using margin from your account equity to create leverage adds risk, exposing your account to more than the 2% level?

Not so, unless you put yourself at risk of a margin call. Which you wonā€™t be, since youā€™ll place a stop loss at 25 pips ($100 loss). The only way that more of your account could be at risk is if you failed to place a stop loss and your account hit a margin call.

Once the trade is closed, win or lose, the margin used to create the leverage will return to your account.

So the maximum you can lose - your risk - is $100 or 2%, as detailed in the previous post.

At least, think thatā€™s right! But Iā€™m sure someone will correct any inaccuracies soon. :wink: