What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Thank you I really want to try and catch this session

Hey Zneve,

If you are trading LC with the forexmentor strategy from Monday, will you do me a favour and document your first 20 trades over all currency pairs and post your results here? Let us know the number of wins, losses and BEs, and let us know your R:R ratios for the wins (screenshots would be great). If you didnā€™t see my own results earler in the thread, then I urge you NOT to take a peekā€¦I am interested in some independent results that are based on similar rules to those that I used, but are in no way influenced by my own insights.

Best regards

is there anyway to get the webinar for free? lol $300 is pretty steep haha :slight_smile:

Watching all of this with extreme interest. Iā€™m less worried about immediate pips and more interested in an education that will last a few decades. In fact if I can get my head around it and make it work, the #1 goal is to teach my kids.

Ali, I did not see your results, could you post a link to that page? Of course I will document and post most trades to my blog if I can capture them all in SS, but I will write up all results. I do not believe I will be trading as many pairs as is recommended, however the whole aspect of the strategy makes perfect technical sense.

Yes, you can do a google search for it like I did, that is explained in my blog post. I do not advocate breaking the law, so you do so at your own risk.

Do you mean installing indicators? Video would be nice, but just writing down which folder to put them in the first page is helpful enough too if the video takes time.

Could somebody record tonights PTC. Unfortunately I am not able to attend tonight. Thanks!


is this going to be recorded and released later or we should ā€œorganizeā€ someone else to capture it ( for those not able to attend )?


Hi ICT and Seniors,

I told you guys I wiped my 60% a/c last year. I am attaching my annual statement with trade details, If you could point out what are my mistakes that would be great.
Today, I am able to recover my a/c. It took me 6 monthsā€¦ But my loss was 13-16k on 25k A/C. Please see the files. I have attached, please help me to correct.

Stat.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download


Folks, the PTC is typically my recorded video reviews and tips presentationsā€¦ I think a few of you are thinkingā€¦ since I hosted a couple live PTC videos in chat that they all are liveā€¦ this video I prerecorded. However, the next live event will be next Sunday eveningā€¦ I hope this clears up the matter. :wink:

I played the Asian Session open tonight wait for Eur/USD to tradr down to the R1 Piovt was going to trade it down to 4300 the figure but pair stalled at about .4320 which is institutional level so sold it out there for 44.8 pips with 2 mini lot trade I also played the daily hi down to R1 as well for nice pipage although becuase it was open of Asain markets they killed me on the spread but still ended up with about 23 or so pips on that one so all in all not a bad asain session of alomst 70 pips profit in less then 1-1-2 hours. I traded the pivots plus the current and previous fractal support and resistance on this one . Iā€™m done for tonight till Europain Session Starts.

Is market flow up or down? If this candle was to close now, does a wick count as a break?

what charting software does everyone use? are these charts all part of the trading platform or from outside sources?

Yes. Wicks count.

As soon as the previous fractal high was broken, Market Flow changed from DOWN to UP.

this is far short of earth-shattering, and certainly nothing new, but I wanted to share a template I made up for monitoring SESSION HIGHS and LOWS. Iā€™ve thrown in the 00/50 levels for ā€˜bearings sakeā€™ and hope that the simplicity of the chart setup will inspire someone out there to put a little more focus on session highs/lows than before!

in an attempt to pre-empt some questions, the session parameters are as follows:

I didnā€™t want to get picky about distinguishing Aussie market from Tokyo market, so I did my best to divide the day into 3 distinct chunks.
Good luck to all! :41:

They are somewhere back there in the thread. I started off well with about 17 wins in the first 20, then hit a period of inconsistency. It was bound to happen, but by the time I got to 30+ trades I had worked out that it wasnā€™t worth my time continuing anything other than Cable and Fiber trades. Hey, you may have some extra info that I didnā€™t, but I ditched the JPY crosses etc in favour of getting an early night ready for Asia.

Yea I may only trade the USD pairs, I am not fond of JPY with ANYTHING lol. Have not had good results in the past with anything japanese ;-). Will keep u posted, but will most likely only hit up the USD pairs, namely the majors.

Hey Guys, Iā€™m glad to be back around for the next few weeks :slight_smile:

Placed my first trade in 2 months this morning at the London Open, went short on the Cable just after L/O Price had peaked @ or near a whole number,(1.64700) Good OTE & there were several attempts to break resistance @ 1.64700 which had failed.
I did a simple exit as I cant do partial closes on my account (demo) & I havenā€™t really advanced that far in my trading.
Got out with 27 pips before price hit R1 thinking it might bounce off it but it sliced through.
Nice to be back at the screen & reading up on all the fun you guys have been having :smiley:


Put myself back to school for a bit and this is the result of my re sit!
Reasons for trade were oteā€™s in daily,4h,1h,15m and 5 min all for a short,trading above central pivot for a number of days and a confluence of above fibs gave me 3 confluences.

P.s thanks again Clark for helping me out with the vids(got it sorted now!)

And ICT thanks a million as always and all the other contributors
Just read your twitter so i thought iā€™d get this trade posted now as a thank you

PPs:forgot how to post pics with post directly(not traded for a while)a gentle reminder would be great,how about it green(great to see you back from the outback mate!!!)