What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

[B]Public Account Building Project 2012-2015[/B]

>>>Modular Year-End Goals shown

>>>48-Month Run Time (+2 prep months)

>>>Final Target: $90,000 (after Taxes)

>>>Benchmark monthly return: 8%

>>>Benchmark weekly return: 2%

Here’s the last shot until end of January 2012…

I will start going live in 2012 too but 8% monthly is a bit high for a newcomer i think. Dont get me wrong… its absolutely doable with the methods of ICT but we are still beginners and the worst thing we can do is chasing a number, forcing us to trade. I wanted to create some spreadsheet like you, because to have an overall plan is always a good idea. Then i remembered the number of 90%, failing in trading. For the first year, i dont want to be one of them, thats my goal. Everything on top of that is a bonus. Okay, it will be *******big bonus but thats another story. :smiley:

Go at your own speed, of course. 8% isn’t something I expect to make casually. I will be pushing myself, but I feel ready for that now


Count It Down! :5:

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

AK and phenex, sorry if I hurt your feelings but 8% a month seems a little low to me personally…

I think we can do more each month in trading even if we do hold day jobs…

I think we can at least get 18% per month returns, call me crazy but I think it true…

Just look at the returns ICT got the last three months and in his own words said he hardly tried and didn’t trade that often…he still traded 300% over 3 months…without even trying that hard that is 100% every single month…

I do believe if you follow ICT in 2012 you will have no problem gettin the 18% per month needed to increase your account from $1K to 7 figures in 40 months…its if you can stay with the plan that long and not bend the rules at all…

I am making a goal for myself next year for at least 18%, call me crazy but I think it is very do able…

I just think you are selling yourselves to short if you are only looking for 8% per month…

What do you all think, I’m I crazy!!!

No I don’t think you’re crazy…

8% isn’t a limit, and it isn’t a minimum. It’s just a pace-setting device. I wanted to know roughly what % would get me to my goal in 48 months. I’m not going to quit trading the public account if I reach the goal prematurely either, I’m running this thing the whole 48 months. However I reserve the right to make some withdrawals if things start going better than planned :slight_smile:

Believe me man, if I can get more than 8%, I’ll be going for it :wink:

and for the future, don’t worry about my feelings. there’s only a handful of people in real life that could hurt my feelings, and nobody on the internet that could do it! If I ever get defensive, that isn’t hurt feelings, that’s me jumping on the opportunity to get in a debate. I enjoy debates and arguments, honestly

Glad nothing phases you, that’s just like me, I like getting into debates as well.

And with that said… I agree with PIP, 8% is conservative and in all honesty, 100% do-able for you AK. I’m not going to be surprised at all when you reach it.

You and a few others, myself included, have been following ICT for a while now, we’ve learned a lot since the start.

Also it looks like you’ve beaten me again to release your goals.

January 1st - April 1st: Practising (Demo, small live)
April 1st - May 1st: Final preparation (Making decision on final startup amount)
May 1st - Onwards: 1000% ROI/a (roughly 22%/month) ($10 000 -> $100 000 -> $1 000 000) (Probably start with $100 000 though)

I’ll be posting it all live. :slight_smile:

Let’s hope we both reach our goals.

I cant view this.
I get an error which states that the musical content is blocked in my country due to copyright grounds.
Anybody else having problems like this?

Lol, I feel like I’ll be hearing dubstep soon from ICT… HAHAHA :stuck_out_tongue:

AK, I just want to say I believe you can make it and achieve your goals after the 40+ months…

I just hope I can do the same thing…been following ICT for awhile and I just want to see it start paying off…can’t wait…

Like you said I can never hurt your pride and believe me it was never my goal to hurt you in the things I may have said towards you…like before when I asked for a indicator for the no-mans land of the TT indicator…

The only reason I wanted this indicator is to do back testing…yes marking this yourself only takes 5 seconds but if you want to do it for the past several weeks it would take you a long time…

I guess I had to much to drink that night and just blew up on the first person that went against me…

Sorry for everything and looking forward to talking with you more in 2012…

keep up the good work

Everything plays fine for me…

Megamix of Dubstep Remixes of Popular/Mainstream songs of 2011 PART 2 {Mixed by Evitan} - YouTube
per Clarks request…here you go ICT…hehe

No, there was nothing wrong with requesting that indicator, especially for the purposes explained above. I tried to explain in the post, that my frustration wasn’t with you, but rather a general complaint about society’s obsession with convenience. I do apologize for reacting with the snippy tone though, that wasn’t necessary.

If you check way back to the beginning of this thread, you’ll see that one of my main ambitions was to see this thread take off, and see explosive popularity on the babypips forum. I think that is being realized now, and I certainly hope that I am not the one that turns newbies away… that is diametrically opposed to my overall goal in contributing to this thread…

glad you and others have such confidence in me! I check these markets every day, whether I’m actively trading or not, and always look to see how the tools would have worked for me. It’s that daily reassurance, over many many months, that will get your confidence level to the point it needs to be. I don’t think I’m going to be perfect right out of the gate, I think I’ll have a few bad months, but I think as long as I stay committed to sharing the results, the losses will stay in perspective and I’ll have the opportunity to get back on my feet quite quickly.

Just keep at it til at least June 2012. by then all the tools will be out in the open, ICT will have a few months of live trading sessions out there, and I think some serious cash (demo cash that is!) will start to accumulate in the accounts of the truly dedicated… :slight_smile:

Yep, same problem here. I am currently in Germany for work and a lot of ICT-video’s I can’t watch. At home no problem.

Alright, if you got $100K sittin in the bank, you are one ballin muthafu*kin student! hahaha

Seeing you trade that beast of an account live would be awesome.

Cheers to us, and to all with big plans for 2012!

Ok thanks for letting me know.
I guess its because I’m in Australia.
Hey Michael, don’t leave us out man. Lol

Hmmmm I had no idea music could or would block content. I will remember that. Thanks for informing me.


Alot of your later vids are blocked because of the music, at least for people in germany like me. You can still watch them if you download them from Youtube. No big deal.

Hi Michael
In case it helps, here’s the exact message I get:

“This video contains content from The Orchard Music, SME, IODA, Made in Etaly and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.”

This is the first time I’m experiencing this , so perhaps you changed producers :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into this.