What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I can’t even download them from youtube.

Dont worry, not every download page is working. Try different ones.

Actually this is why I’m disenchanted with youtube as of late. There is a company in bed with youtube and any music be it original or private that is to say not Mainstream they are claiming copyrights on. This is to capture any profit from you linking from my video to purchase the track. Most of the stuff I use is not sold but it would appear so if you believe youtube and their attempts to make a buck.

I will try to keep this in mind for future reference. Always trying to skim a dollar… I tell ya.


So thats what is missing from that first page!!!.
Michael I discovered that thread about two weeks ago (not long after getting hooked on your current one), and I have been
reading it ever since at work, because we cant watch videos at work, and that thread has some real gems in there, all in
text format.
I couldn’t figure out why the introduction was missing, and didnt wanna bring it up, because that thread did become
pretty septic, with all the trolling. It was like reading an espionage novel.
Good thing its a closed chapter (thread).
So how did you manage to retrieve it?

Now imagine that for the whole internet. That what people will get if SOPA passes.

I simply Googled myself… It appears I post this on many forums, in actuality I haven’t, and some are pasted by “Goo” who and or whatever that is. I only post in two forums and this is where I lay down the works… If you see my posts elsewhere… It’s pirated and copycat pasting by another person.

Why is that post missing from the other thread? Babypips put the lockdown on it before I posted the revamped indexed post as you see here. In 2012 I’d like to be able to fix a few posts if Babypips would allow it. It looks rather crumby and abandoned on my part lol.

That’s this weeks History lesson… Join me next time on another thrilling edition of… I Was A Babypips Poster.



Wow, the cheek of some people :open_mouth: I can’t believe someone would steal another person’s work like that and take the credit :open_mouth: If I ever find those guys in real life I’ll give them a beatdown!

And I believe PureMuscle could do it too. Pun intented.

i was actually thinking of some public countdown

Lol, ICT can I just say - you have excellent taste in music by the way :stuck_out_tongue:

hi ICT
as of late i submerged in yr videos quite a bit…i hear yr voice everywhere…
today i happened to watch TROY movie, with brad pitt…
guess whom bratt pitt sounded like when i turned my eyes away from the screen?
my brain started shortcutting,bzzz zzzz bzzzzz ,hold on, i am watching TROY right now, dont i?

Installed the templates and indicators but when I try to upload them on the charts my MT4 crashes.anyobody else having the same problem and anyway to fix this problem?

Same here. But as we all know what kind of things Michael likes, you can imagine what happens in that video.
Should be something like this: A sniper wearing a Santa Claus costume pulls out his pimped-with-christmas-decoration-sniper-gun and shoots at some delicious looking-like-a-pip-gingerbreads…one shot one cookie… :wink:

To be continued at easter… :stuck_out_tongue:

I know it might be painful letting go of your treasured… well… just wait and see. :57:

:rolleyes: lol

Waiting along patiently. The anxiety is killing me man. Sometimes I think I might hate you lol. Untill I look at my trading account that is

  1. Calculate the True Range High and True Range Low:

    True Range High is the greater of:
    •High [today], and
    •Closing price [yesterday]

    True Range Low is the lesser of:
    •Low [today]
    •Closing price [yesterday]

  2. Compare Closing price to yesterday’s Closing price:
    •If Close [today] is greater than Close [yesterday]
    Price Move [today] = Close [today] - True Range Low
    •If Close [today] is less than Close [yesterday]
    Price Move [today] = Close [today] - True Range High
    •If Close [today] equals Close [yesterday]
    Price Move [today] = zero

  3. Calculate the cumulative total:
    Indicator = AD [today] + AD [yesterday]

Show me… :57:

Santa packing a “SAW” you better not forget his milk and cookies…:slight_smile:

I think U R missing the 150 EMA - just to give you the trend info - otherwise this looks PERFECT.