What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

ICT, I think this is the picture that you speak about at the last video “livestream”?
I hope I have misunderstood …
Happy Holidays Everyone

Ah…So when we talk about market makers manipulating the price, we are talking about the interbank market players trading amongst themselves to move price one way or the other?

I’ve been thinking about my own post about market maker objectives…and I think I’ve had a mini-revelation.

I’ve always had this fear that the market was out to get me, that it wanted to screw me over ever time I entered a trade…

what I realized is this:

The market [B]IS[/B] trying to screw me over, and it [B]IS[/B] trying to do it as often as it possibly can!

So how do you win? Easy. Flip the Table.

Go out there and try to screw everyone else as often as you can! Don’t trade unless you know exactly who is getting screwed, otherwise it’s probably [B]you[/B]. Find the most short-sighted, least-informed, most-reactive group of traders and watch for them to make their move… then screw them! Repeat!

Sorry if that is offensive, but maybe that is the major mental block for traders. You literally have to set yourself apart from a particular group of people, and then actively seek to destroy their financial well-being as completely and often as you can.

It’s mean, it’s kind of evil… and I LOVE IT.


Wow. I leave this thread for 12 hours, and when I come back I have 6 pages of catch-up reading to do!

Fabulous. Keep it up, y’all.

I saw my name mentioned:

Well, sorry Wally, but that green line you drew does not “use the Asian range”.

It uses an Intermediate Swing (fractal) Low, which would have had exactly the same value (as potential resistance) regardless of which Session it occurred in.

Piptronix is correct.

Piptronix Likes this.
oh, there’s a button for that… :slight_smile:

Yes from what i understand. I’ve never worked on a trading floor so i can’t say for sure exactly what they see. But I believe they can see the retail flows in the market and which side has more money long/short. If you go back in your charts you can see it happen daily. I think that’s what ICT means when he says price “wants” to get some where. I’d love to hear more from ICT about how the big banks trade and what they actually see.

I also realized the same thing. Zero-sum game. They are screwing over the retail traders everyday. If your’re on the same side as them then you’re on the losing side. It feels really powerful to know that. If you are offended by this then you are definitely in the wrong business.

Sorry chaps I didn’t mean to be obtuse or mysterious, I hate “nudge-nudge-wink-wink” posts from other people and certainly don’t want any of mine to seem like that.

Exactly, this trade just jumped out at me as a fine example for Clint or anyone else to see how it might work, the setup was I just saw a big accumulation when everyone was meant to be bearish and a nice simple LO entry of a bounce off the GMT CPP at LO time

and the most obvious target was that prior Asia range on the big down move, I allowed for spread and the figure 3150.

Dead right there was also a sweetspot from the down move and a fib extension from accumulation high-low at the same place so what’s right and what’s not, this has been my biggest problem and why I got so excited when ICT finally brought the subject up because there have been a few times in a video when Micheal said “now see this session High/Low, I show you why” and goes on to throw on a fib or TT or some other bit of black magic and everthing is made clear and then I’ll look at my charts with the Asian sessions on and think “but that old asia is there too”.
So I really don’t know but it seems like a quick dirty lazy way of doing things, just how I like it. :slight_smile:



You said you have learned a lot of your asian session technicals from Chris Lori, could you possibly tell me which product from him you got this from…

It would be much appreciated…


Yeah, me too. Sam Seiden talks a lot about being at an order desk at the CME and being able to tell where supply/demand levels were based on the biggest stack of orders. Im sure the banks have a more sophisticated method than stacks of paper orders-lol. Would love to learn more about the actual mechanics that banks use to move price.

Yep I totally agree, there is a lot there BUT c’mon look at the spike, this is what I expected but played a safety move of the asian low plus the figure, the whole thing can’t just be coincidence can it?


anyone tried to use the william percent range to predict days direction. I tried to use it for gbpusd for last couple weeks and it didn’t really work most of the time especially when it was trending.

Hey MCAWally and Clint…

this is a little trick I picked up from… well just years of watching the charts, but if you see a little consolidation range like that, take note of the 50% level (midpoint) for the range of the ENTIRE consolidation.

Try that out, see if it’s a little more accurate for you :wink: :wink: nudge nudge (haha Wally)

Hey Wally

You got me laughing with that pic with all the comments.
But seriously, can you explain something to me?
What are you seeing in this Asian range, besides support and Resistance?
How exactly is the Asian range influencing what happens in London and the US?
ICT mentions that they are accumulating, well who is accumulating? the Asians? Everybody else is asleep, or at home
watching tv at that time. Unless the big banks in America work 24 hours?
What do I need to look for in the Asian range that will tell me whether to buy or sell, what patterns are happening that will
give me a clue.
I know its unfair of me to unload this on you, but I’m actually just putting it out there for whoever knows the answer.
I didn’t sleep last night thinking about this.

Anyway, your enthusiasm is infectious and I guess I just want to see what you see. So keep it up, this is a healthy thread,
I need coffee before I come here because you guys really get me thinking.

The example trade I took was purely based on the single notion of prior Asian range usage and nothing else, it’s not me trying to tell people this is the way you should trade or anything like that, it was just a real time example to try and help.
Just want that point crystal clear, ICT has the way to trade.

Yep, good point AK. Ther are lots of ways to look at these consolidation ares Chris Lori has a way of looking at it, Sam Sieden has he’s way also Steve W has he’s. WHICH is exactly why I’ve taken a big step back from trading and reading other forums or watching other videos and just pay attention to ICT because I get confused reeeeal easy and all these methods and opinions all have merit but can also lead to paralysis.


Oh I hear ya. There’s even a number of ICT’s tools/concepts that don’t make sense to me, and I just simply don’t use them. Maybe I’m missing out… but it’s not worth the confusion, which leads to paralysis, as you stated. Confidence in myself and my tools has to be CONSTANT. I can’t bear risk confidently if I’m second-guessing my own tools!

For instance, anything ICT does with indicators, I opt out of. When I have an indicator on my chart, my eyes are glued to it, I can’t stop watching it and trying to correlate the market to it.

But anyways, I trust everything will be much clearer come Christmas time, and crystal clear come FEB 2012 when the live trading sessions start happening…

My undersanding of the Asian range was that this is where the banks big clients BOOK trading is done or started ie A big company needs x amount of US dollars exchanged for EUROs at x price or as close to so they can buy gear boxes from Germany ect. hence the tighter ranges as they buy up and then let price come back before they get some more until the order is filled or the book moves on to the London office and so on.
But ICT has now opened my eyes that this is a great place for smart money to hide out in and accumulate their daily and longer term postions with out being too obvious and hence why these areas act like launch pads and heavily defended fortresses some times.
As for daily direction I’ll leave that to the MASTER, sorry but I’ve been down too many rabbit holes and come back with too many fleas, I know my analysis on this is tainted with all sorts of rubbish.


No, your analysis is not tainted. its better than mine which is non existent.
At least you have conceptualised it, which is good.
As for direction for the day, hell if we new the answer to that we wouldn’t spend our time hanging around forums now
would we, lol.

I guess those details will come to us later, but as I said earlier, it may be a bit cryptic. I’m starting to feel like I’m learning
Kung Fu from a monk. We need to learn “Pai Mei’s Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique” .
But first …must be very patient.

My guess for LO and NYO later this morning using ICT’s concepts. I have some demo trades entered…not for the goal of profitability, but learning.

What I see…

  1. Bullish divergence on the hourly, daily, and weekly EU/GU charts.
  2. On the Daily…I see what looks like gravestone Doji on the daily.

I suspect from number 1, that the banks are accumulating and a move is prone to go higher.

I think many retail traders will be waiting to hop on the southbound express from a gravestone doji when everyone is expecting the EU/GU to fall.

On the cable, I predict a move down to suck in shorts hoping to hop on a southbound train from the doji, and then price to move up. I suspect down to the 1.5620-1.5610 range, then move up. That’s my call and I’m sticking to it.

very nicely said Ake, we are either the hunter or the prey in this 'lil game… no neutral position here, kill or get killed… :27:

I’ll take the other side of your trade if you dont mind?.. :rolleyes: