What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

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Iā€™m at work.
Send my regards and ask him to please record :slight_smile:

They are automatically recordedā€¦ which is good cause I lost my seat haha

Wow, ICT is really becoming popular!
Iā€™m sure this session will clear up any questions we had yesterday.

Could someone please post the homework assignment Michael gave regarding the traders trinity. I know it involved the Friday prior to the week before and the current week Asian, but what is the assignment exactly from tonightā€™s webinar.

Mark the previous weeks friday Asian High and Low,
Mark the current weeks Asian High and Low,
Put the TT indicator on your chart,

Study chart and post what you seeā€¦

You have the first part correct, but I believe the second part should read ā€œcurrent weekā€™s [I]Monday [/I]Asian hi/lowā€. So, it should be:

Mark the prior weekā€™s [U]Friday [/U]Asian range (high & low).
Mark the current weekā€™s [U]Monday [/U]Asian range (high & low).
Extend these levels throughout the week.
Plot the TT indicator on your chart.

Study chartā€¦

Very kind thanks. I stepped away from the webinar when I thought it was over, and came back ten or so minutes later, and it was still going on. Really appreciate the reply:-)

I noticed when back testing ICTs homewok that the majority of the time that price broke fridays/mondays highs the following week was a up week and if price broke fridays/mondays lows the following week was a down week.I donā€™t know if this was the answer ICT was looking for but it is all that I got.

Hi Michael & traders,

This is my first post here. I just would like to thank Michael a lot for giving me a totally different but very realistic ways to understand how price move every day and comprehensive advice on how to become a successful and relax trader.

I missed the session this morning to accompany my mom to the real ā€œmarketā€ although I really wanted to sit in with you guys, but all is not lost since there is a recorded session. I have not viewed completely the materials inside the thread but i already believe Michaelā€™s teaching make sense and very logic to me as compared to my previous other learning materials.

Thanks also to all traders inside here who shared and contributed to a meaningful learning experience and wish you the best in your trading journey.

I visualize myself to continue studying Michaelā€™s learning materials until I really grasp his concepts and thoughts as presented here.

My vision among others is in the near future to travel and meet Michael and shake his hands and convey in person my upmost gratitude to him.

For those celebrating Christmas, I wish you all a Happy Merry Christmas with you family.

AUD/USD Asian range for the last two weeks. Apparently every time price breaks out of the previous dayā€™s Asian range it becomes vulnerable to the effects the price channel produces. Last week, Mondayā€™s asia low left its footprint all week until it was retested on Friday. Iā€™m blown away at how everyday this channel either contains price action or lets it go in an unwelcoming manner.


hello every one

i want to ask about the USDX chart is there any site or trading company provide this chart


look at the first post, first link under ā€˜ā€˜traders resourcesā€™ā€™

my trading for today

a lot of things from yesterday live session come on today the Judas swing for today

a confluence of a significant number 1.3080

an MR1 for today

SMT divergence

i hope thatā€™s will work

thanks Kubio

i donā€™t know how i donā€™t see that before lol :smiley:

Dear Michael
A Merry Christmas to you and your family.
May you be forever blessed for your selfless efforts on this thread.


Hmm, GBPUSD is looking like a search and destroy dayā€¦ Price has broken above and below the Asian session and swung back on both occasionsā€¦

I think you are onto something.
I guess nobody wants to commit to it going anywhere, since Monday is a holiday.
But they do wanna make money.
Man look at it seesawing up and down.

Notice something else, its not too far out of the Asian range either, but then again, it is a bigger than normal Asian range.
Tis the silly seasonā€¦


Its actually a pretty normal range

I wish you all & your families a wonderful Christmas and will start contributing from March 2012 latest.:5: