What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Also, is ICT planning a live webcast tonight, and if so, what time is it planned for.

fundamental’s…what fundamental’s…I think you have the wrong thread…

To my knowledge he has never said anything about webcast tonight…The only way to find out is to be glue to the thread and his twitter account 24X7…

yes, I’m really starting to see it now. I had a pending sell order set on the cable before I went to bed last night at 5680. I jumped off the wagon way too soon since I didn’t see the big drop coming today, but I still had the entry and direction right. now I just need to get better at entry and exits and I’ll be there.

This is why they invented the Smartphone !!!



The reason I was looking for price to go higher instead of diving like it did was from the information I gathered from the TT video. If you look at the GBPUSD pair last week it broke above the TT but didn’t get to the 162 extenstion level. ICT said if price doesn’t reach the 162 level then the move up isn’t finished yet.

Even tho i didn’t trade I was watching price to see if it would go higher…

Now with this big move down we have broken the TT to the down side???

I guess now I am confused with what the TT tool is trying to tell me…

Lol. I would if I could, as the web classes are so helpful. Just the monitoring of different session highs and lows assigned a few months ago as homework, really helped me get a better feel for market flow. But then life gets in the way (as I’m sure it does for everyone.)

i know what you mean Piphanger, it does get confusing.
The way I see it, anything above that zone is the “sell” zone. But that doesn’t mean it can’t go higher.
I guess we have to look at other things for confluences, like pivots, market flow etc.
I was waiting for a drop yesterday, but didn’t take the trade because the previous days liquidity was shocking, and I already gave away some money in my short sell, so basically I was scared!!!
Also there was a huge gap from the weekend that needed closing…
But I guess its all hindsight now lol.

Since we broke below the weekly TT today I noticed that the TT 162% fib extension almost perfectly lines up with key long term S/R on both pairs. 2850 on fiber and ~5280 on cable. Just something that jumped out at me while studying the charts tonight. :slight_smile:

I too was looking for price to move higher because the TT had been broken and hadn’t filled the 162% or 200%. My questions for you Michael are as follows…

  1. With the Judas swing, it seems like you are describing it as a false continuation/fake-out of the move up into the asian session. But in the chart you had in the video (seen below), the first two Judas swings held true to that concept with massive moves down after an up session into asia, and then a false breakout to the upside. The third move though seems backwards, with a move up into asian session, then a stop raid of the low side stops and a continued rocket move upwards. So is it not relevant which direction price is moving prior to asian session? Cause I thought it was…

  1. I saw that you didn’t enter until price had retraced into the asian session. Were you watching live and then only felt confirmation of the trade when price rejected after the quick stab up? Or could you tell prior to that. I think I’ve been projecting to many things too happen prior to LO and then just setting some pending (demo) orders before bed. Is it crucial to watch these thing unfold live? Or did we have enough info before hand that I could have put a pending sell above the asian session and just went to bed?

  2. Finally, with the concept of a broken TT filling the 162% or 200%, how often does that happen? And WHEN does that typically happen? Does it matter if price fails to reach those levels and then goes the other way substantially like today? Or should we just be expecting price to retrace and form OTEs until it reaches those levels?

Sorry for so many questions.


another live session tonight in about 40 min! (8:30 est)

TheInnerCircleTrader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Simple answer: Maket Stucture. What’s the daily, 4H, 1H MS telling you? It’s down until the LTH is broken.

If you want a boiled down ICT method:- It’s Market structure + the old adage “it’s gotta go up before it goes down (translates to “they going to gun the stops first”)”.- That’s it. That’s what ICT has been trying to get in to our thick heads.
Without this simple premise in mind then we’re just shooting at anything that moves, using the tools he’s giving us, instead of waiting for that sniper head shot.

I might sound trite but I’ve been down the “oh another magic tool” road, of pulling it apart, adding my own conditions to it, seeing if I can make it sit up and beg but the truth is without the above it will be hit and miss in it’s effectivness.


But I guess it depends on where you feel the LTH is. If for example, on the pound you would reasonably say LTH is around 1.6170 then until it breaks that high, market structure is bearish then you will miss out on the 700+ pip rally it would take to get there and maybe even lose a lot because you will continually be shorting as price is moving higher but LTH hasn’t been broken. This is just a hypothetical if price started moving up from now. Sorry I don’t know if I’m saying this properly or if it makes any sense lol

I thought that at the start tonight, ICT said that tonight’s web class was going to be used as the Power of 3, in the 25 days of ForeXmas videos. However, towards the end, someone asked if it was being recorded, and he said that although it was he was not going to post it. Did he just mean that he was going to edit it down first. Really was a great class tonight, but it will help me to watch it a couple of more times and be able to hit pause and take notes.

Agreed. Would love to watch it a few times…plus I had to go and missed the end.

it’s available in the video library on livestream

Ah, I see now. Had been refreshing the page and it wasn’t there…Thanks.

From day one of finding this material I was in awe, and telling my girlfriend somehow this guy is going to make it even more jaw dropping. Literally, just watch the last video and see how finding a down day or up day after their respective fractals is so easy and you could turn away from this thread with risk management concepts in mind and make money part-time like no one’s business.

Under normal societal constraints trading forex and being a millionaire is outside the realm of possible. Some of you may have found out about forex through adds of monetary grandeur, and compared to the average get rich quick adds this would seem no different.I just finished my finance degree and almost everything I have been taught says looking at a chart of past prices cannot predict future ones.

I have always wanted money to take care of my family and to be able to pursue all of my interests, but after realizing investment banking and some of the more prestigious corporate banking positions would have to become my life, I concluded I would probably have to be content with a modest living.

I am absolutely in love with my starwars analogy. Essentially my dreams crash landed in the swamp like that x-wing. I stumble upon this ICT character speaking in a cryptic way about things I had come across in passing and decided to listen because there was nothing better to do; I even think he may have taken food from my backpack, or that could have been the dog.

Given what society said is possible (something I have always questioned and will never stop questioning) I turned my back on those dreams and started to walk away. Then ICT went and lifted those suckers right out of the water and has shown me what possible really is.

Hello Ict,

I definately do. Thanks for that.

Fury I can relate to this 100%. I too finished my finance degree last year. The degree does help and you have a somewhat better understanding of how everything fits together etc. but at the end of the day, the same level of understanding can be achieved in half the amount of time simply by using the internet.

Your comment about what society says is possible also hits the nail on the head. We are “programmed” to achieve to a set norm. We are all guided to find a job and work that 9-5 living and be model citizens for those that follow. My father always use to ask me “what does JOB stand for?” My response was always “[B]just over broke[/B]”. It was drilled into me to go after your dreams and be the best you can possibly be. Do something and just be darn good at it. Threads like this just don’t come along everyday. This thread goes against that “norm” of society. ICT is one of those guys that has achieved and is living out his life as I truly believe how life is meant to be lived… Free of financial worry. There is so much more to it than just getting by every month. What ever happened to enjoying life and simply helping others? Money should not be an obstacle in our lives and I am confident we who follow this thread will crush that obstacle in the coming years