What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Wow, this thread is amazing. ICT is a brilliant teacher! Love the videos so much.

I was looking for the indicators mentioned here … to help out newbies like me Fury kindly mentioned the paperclip at the start of the thread in post #635 to look through the attachments. Thanks for the tip!

If like me you’ve did this on other forums but couldn’t see the paperclip anywhere on thread it isn’t there :slight_smile:

You need to go to the * list of threads * and beside the title of this thread among the list of other threads you will find the paperclip which you can click on to see the forum attachments.


Hi there,

I’ve been trying to apply the TradersTrinity indicator to a EURUSD m15 chart but what I get doesn’t look right to me, the levels are consistent across multiple days, but they should change with the new high/low etc. every day, correct?

See the chart here:

Could someone tell me what I’ve done wrong or point me in the direction of the right indicator to use. I used traderstrinity.exe4

Many thanks

Just woke up and looking at todays actionon euro it looks like a little judas action maybe? Price poked above asain range, dropped down then set up an OTE to go short. Not huge but about 50 pips so far. Ill take that. :slight_smile:

That is the weekly traders trinity, It plots the high and low and the sublevels from the prior week. The trinity you are talking about is the daily traders trinity and can be downloaded in a post by Wally a few pages back

That looks right to me, the TradersTrinity is showing the weeks before High/Low/50% and so on.


Damn Shaunnd I wasted all those bytes because you beat me. lol
@r2997790 Don’t waste to much time studing the Daily TT concern yourself with the weekly and monthly mostly.
TT_D_M.zip (11.3 KB)

Thanks Wally, Thanks CLWo and Shaunnd too. I appreciate the help. Not sure if I’ll do weekly/month Wally as I’m used to trading very short term so it’ll take self control and patience to even trade H1 and Daily :slight_smile:

HI Again,

Sorry, I was wondering if I could also clarify one more thing with you more experienced ICTers…
I have Asian Range indicator on, how do you use that as an indicator? I watched the video about this but I am not totally clear how it indicates the likely move for the London session, is it:

  1. London will follow the trend set in Asia
  2. London will do the opposite to the trend set in Asia
  3. Relative to the position the Asia session ends up based on the Traders Trinity, eg. if it ends up in the Sell Zone, London is likely to fall

Michael takes about Asia being a consolidation zone and indicating the likely trend for the next session.

What confused me, as it did someone a few posts ago, was that he made some trend calls based on something I thought was going sideways… so hence now I’m in a muddle and confused about the logic. :37:

Thanks for your patience!

Before you carry on. Go to ICT’s live stream and watch his latest video and he will tell you over and over and over again, you need to be looking at the daily chart.

I’m looking at m15 / h1 over a week period… which I think is right? Looking forward moves to the outside and will trade back into the centre looking at the fibs/pivots too. I think that’s correct? The Asian indicator has confused me though.

If I can put it to you this way. This thread is like building a house. You have to start with a solid foundation, those are ICT’s first few videos. You then build on that foundation, build your walls, put in your windows and doors. No roof yet, you still getting rained on. You then put on the roof as your framework nears completion. You can now camp in that house but you still not making money consistently and so you don’t have enough money for finishings, water and lights. If you look at the smaller timeframes without knowing which way the higher timeframes are going you are trying to sleep in a house, with an unstable base, no roof on and you are first going to get rained on and then the walls will fall on your bed and your tombstone will go up in the traders graveyard…

Hey Babypipsters! :wink:

I tried to illustrate the SMT divergence I used in confirming my short and wasn’t satisfied with the presentation regarding it’s use in yesterdays Trade analysis. So here you have it in GFT format and I tossed in today’s action as described in last nights live session… voila.

Hey we are 42k from being the top viewed thread… that’s really cool.

GLGT :57:

Like Shaunnd said, it is very important for you to go through the WHOLE thread first and about 90% of all your questions will be answered…if you just start from the most recent posts you will be short changing yourself.

The Asian Range is to highlight the probable dealing range reaction points… the basis is the “opening Price”… the Judas will be on the upside of the Opening Price for Sell Days and on Buy Days the Judas will be on the downside of the Opening Price.

The Asian Range merely gives you reference points to monitor after we have traded early in the new day… and to monitor stops placed by Retail Traders… the Key is the Opening Price… Treat it like the Central Pivot and it might be easier to understand.

The High will post above the opening Price on down days… and if you are hunting large range days… holding for several hours in the day will permit your trades to haul in a handsome pip booty. Reverse for longs…

The setup will form in a predetermined S&R level found on a higher timeframe… and at or very near a Kill Zone. That’s all you need after you have a Fractal on a Daily chart… happy hunting.


Sorry Michael, I am slow to understand the following phrase “Opening Price for Sell Days and on Buy Days”. Does it mean Sell Days refer to the previous downtrend bars and expecting current day to resume down trend?


Sell days refer to that particular day of trading. On days you anticipate a down day. Look for the Judas swing to reach above the opening price and then look for price to reverse and the sell day will unfold

The opposite for buy days. If your higher Time frame analysis is telling you price is going upwards. Look for the Judas swing to reach below the opening price, reverse direction and the buy day will unfold

thanks a lot Shaunnd. I think I got a clearer picture in my mind now.

“Opening Price for Sell Days and on Buy Days” this quote you took is just a small part of what he actually posted.

Reread this quote “the Judas will be on the upside of the Opening Price for Sell Days”

and reread this quote “and on Buy Days the Judas will be on the downside of the Opening Price”

Hi everyone!

Its my first post on this awesome thread, and i don´t have enougth words to express my recognition of the unusual and persistant dedication and altruism from ICT,as so from all you guys that take your time and patience to answer to newbie questions.

I’ve been studying the thread “library” and it seems that the london open video has no sound, and its seems to be another piece of jewerly!

Thanks ICT for your work and dedication, and thanks everyone who as contributed to this thread.

Sorry for my english, as is not my mother language.

I just have to take a timeout card here and mention the POWER of ICT’s previous video. Man oh man that video is powerful. I have been going over it the whole day taking notes and I’m still smiling. Just take a step back and take in what he is giving you there. Man it is GOLD. Its all been there right under our noses smirking at us. Apply that “structure” he talks about around your trading and you are done.

ICT when you said Larry Williams said that the smart money sells near the high of the day and buys near the low of the day and wouldn’t it be nice to know their zip code too, man my brain went wild. That zip code of how to do it is not easy to see if you don’t know what you looking for. I mean I had noticed the false breakout in the opposite direction before the London swing, I used Asian range levels as support and resistance throughout the trading day, I saw the OTE’s but I did not know how to tie it all together. I mean we know we need to get in at the high and out at the low but when you apply that structure, apply the higher TF bias, apply the different templates and all the other tools you can use for confirmation and confluences it becomes as clear as daylight. I mean I know “how” to do it but now I know how to do it with more conviction, less stress, more confidence.

I see guys often posting here saying there are OTE’s everywhere, which ones do we take? Well I have always tried to apply structure to my trading, those templates are lifesavers.If you use everything you know and work towards the structure presented to you, you wont be taking an OTE in the wrong direction.
If you not seeing what I’m getting at , print out the LO sell or buy day template and take notes on it. Print daily charts and re-do what ICT was doing in the video. I haven’t seen many comments about the video, either the guys and girls are partying away 2011 early or it hasn’t sunk in yet and they still gob smacked:30:
But without a doubt you need to pay attention to that video.

Is today’s move down on cable an example of a Judas swing? Assuming I’ve got the asian time indicator set up correctly (it’s set up 0 to 5 gmt)…it looks like long positions accumulated during asian, price traded above, and then went down quickly through the asian range, paused at the session low before dropping quickly through and has traded back up to test the Asian low as resistance - which happens to be right at the 62 fib of current move (bottom of OTE zone).

Edit: Just saw the ICT post on the SMT tool use for today’s session…guess I should read before posting :slight_smile: