What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I think the reversal does continue until the London Close, and then consolidates.
Thats the way I understand it.

I think he means that on occasion the reversal will take place earlier in the day, for example straight after the NY open, and then consolidate at 18:00 GMT. He did also say that the consolidation may take place “even later” than 18:00 GMT.

Here are the SMT divergences on the daily chart as shown in ICT’s swing trading video.

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I see a few on here saying that there is divergence on the daily chart at the moment from Octobers low until now, something like a monthly divergence. I have tried using that before and each time that huge divergence was eliminated. I look for more of a direct approach to accumulation and distribution as shown in ICT’s examples. I like to see it happen quickly, you almost get the feeling that they want to reverse it and reverse it quickly.
Unless this is accumulation and distribution on a weekly or monthly scale and I could be overlooking this, I refrain from using it. I was post examples of this in another post.

Take a look at the magenta lines.

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Well, Im wayyyyy to unexperienced to draw any valid conclusions, but that huge divergence in August caused a drop of a sexy 1500 pips… if that huge divergence happening currently means a similarly sexy bullish move, then I would definitely get excited!:wink:


I’ve been using KeepVid very good for youtube, for live stream I found some screen capture software and let the video run but apparently you can use VLC and it will stream the vid and turn it into an MP4, not tried it yet though.

Just watched the Swing Trading video and was wondering about the trade management side… the aim here is well over 100 even 200 pips, so do we use bigger stop loss and or do we trail it more loosely?
I imagine, we unload parts of the position on every projection level conquered and trail the stop above/below the latest swing (on 10+ pips) even if its on more than 30 pips from the current Price Action?

was the password given out for the Trade sheet? Can’t seem to make any entries without it.

Like, like , like!

[B]Quick Q&A[/B]:

The File has been replaced and no password needed.
The other files are being uploaded today as well.

The Reversal Market Profile:
If the Low on the Reversal Day forms in NYO I expect it to run through NY, London and even Asia Highs… possibly by London Close - majority of the time by 1800 GMT but can extend gains into new Asian Session.

If the Low on the Reversal Day forms in London Close I expect it to run through NY, London and Asia Lows… consolidating around 18:00 GMT but can extend losses into new Asian Session.

By nature Reversals can and many times will exceed where I think they will go… this is why I treated them separately in the Market Profiles.

As for the “silent treatment”… I have text on the things I would have stated during the recording of these videos. You have the benefit of screen capture this way for note collection. I also am forcing you to study the concepts versus hand you a pair of rose colored glasses and see you run off thinking it will always unfold like this or that. Remember… it’s about probabilities.

Matty illustrated this, and please do not be offended as you did the brood a service in your loss, by chasing butterflies and only looking at the new pretty tools and concepts and forgetting the backbone to the effective aspect of my work… the Core Concepts.

The insights you are gleaning now will be brought into sharper clarity when you study it… remember patience. You have no idea how powerful these concepts are and even harder for me to illustrate to you without creating information overload. I’m not going away… and you will see real time how I apply these concepts in February. You are unearthing a lifetime of Treasures buried in my Trading Mind. Each portion provides a section of tapestry… on their own each hold little value.

When these concepts are laid out as we are doing… the pieces begin to tie together… part by part until the fragmented portions forge a “map” or “Blueprint”… a proverbial road map to success. If I handed you a blueprint for the building of a Bank… it would be safe to say it wouldn’t be clear to you what the lines and reference points meant… the same applies here. You have to learn to decipher the blueprint of Price action and you will be able to Waltz into that Bank and load your pockets and tip your hat go on your merry way.

The Dollar Index shouldn’t be discounted… the significant USDX SMT divergence will not be left to second guessing. The power of blending the three USDX, Cable and Fiber is you can’t"miss it" then. There might be no Fiber SMT discernable to you but the USDX will… and that’s the basis of using the three in conjunction… if there is one thing you don’t toss out in the new material it is THIS one. lol

The material has prompted a lot of emails stating it is too complex or advanced and to those I would again, suggest they start at the first thread and go through each video and take notes. It is all there… and like I stated before… it’s expensive. It will cost you. It will require patience. It will be tough to go the journey… for some.

You can view it as boot camp… and each new study session going into it as me playing the Drill Sergeant and it’s 3 AM and I’m beating a club inside a metal trash can to wake you for the 5 mile run before coffee and toast. You can say to yourself… “Uh… yeah… no thanks I’ll sleep in today“… and you might be spared some boring study time… and you might avoid that grueling 5 mile run. Or you could jump out of your slumber and shake off the sleepiness and get to high stepping it and smile and say… “the scenery gets better the longer we run Serg…”

[B]Choices… Always these choices… [/B]


I’m printing that part and pasting it somewhere.

When things get tough I always go back to my bootcamp days… Yes Sir may I have another!


It’s a State Of Mind… :cool:

I’m soo loving these videos as well ICT! It show’s that you really care about our success when you even took the time to create these videos to help keep us on track and in the correct state of mind!.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

I swear all the videos I watch, ICT is talking. I could hear him in the swing projection video ‘There you go guys, we nailed it. If you can catch one of these just once a month, that’s all you need. Who wouldn’t be happy with a thousand pips.’

Even as he wiggles the cursor across the screen I can hear him talking haha

No offense taken at all Michael. I’ve been so privileged to get the best forex training money could buy, and all it has cost me is time, patience, and a little bit of humility…a price I’ll gladly pay over and over again to learn valuable lessons. And like you said, hopefully others have learned something from my posts. Thanks for all you do Michael, and I’m looking forward to a very fun (and profitable) 2012!


Man ICT if this trading/mentoring doesn’t work out for you…LOL…you got a real gift for motivational speaking. I really enjoy these longer posts you always drop a couple of nuggets of knowledge that help me push through and work even HARDER at my craft…Great post as always.

Not only you make me to a trader. Now I have to start using my treadmill which I bought but not used to be and old elit
soldier in my old days :wink: Meet Ict and prepare for a new and healthier life style!!

Just watched the reversal market profile video and had a look at my charts.

The template is very accurate, as well as this statement: “Typically, NYO, LC, and late NY session posts the reversal”. Look what happened at NYO on 12/29.

[U]Click to enlarge[/U]:

Beautiful example! :smiley: