What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

And very accurate :30::smiley:

Guys, just a bit of a dumb question - how do you draw short diagonal lines on MT4? When I draw trend lines they always project right to the end of the screen and I have no idea how to shorten them…

Dumb questions don’t exist :5:

Select the line (left double click)
Right-click the line
Menu pops up - Parameters tab - uncheck Ray box


right click, go to ‘‘trendline properties’’ and in the second tab ‘‘parameters’’ UN-check ‘‘ray’’… same with any other line object including Fibs… :wink:

p.s. PippyTheGrt beat me to it :slight_smile:

Awesome analogy from ICT with the boot camp. I think too many people come into this thinking it’s gonna be easy. Just get an EA, a simple crossover system and the money will just roll in. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

I’m treating this like I’m going to med school or something comparable. It’s gonna take a lot of time and study and hard work, even when we don’t want to watch videos and take our notes. This is a freakin marathon, not a sprint. We can choose to put in the time or not. Pretty simple. I think the payoff will be life-changing if we commit.

Can’t wait.

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The forex ltd mt4 plattform this on the first page does not have usdx or at least I have not found it? Anyone know something I dont as I am sure you do. Especially after watching the last video on smt (dont remember the name of the vid but holy crap. I knew this existed but never seen it so obvious till now. I guess I always had my charts to zoomed in to truly catch it. Now with mt4 it lets me zoom out nicely. Hopefully my broker gets there version of mt4 fixed on my computer as they say they offer usdx. To bad there IT Dept is closed today. Ohwell always tomorrow. I did not plan on trading today anyway.

What is the consensus from everyone as to when it’s safe/calm to start trading the new year? I recall ICT saying second week of Jan? That right?


Tried to post a reply but it’s stuck in moderation :41:
Go to post 12-30-2011 11:24 PM #6576 and you’ll find your answer.

EDIT see post above with direct link.


I am starting my routine tonight.

I will wake up for LO.

My objective is to see if I can catch the LO swing trade. Seems to be a basic pattern.

If the pattern unfold, well fine. If not, tomorrow is another day!!! No rush…

I am presently looking at my higher time frame. Playing around with Fibs & looking at possible level where they would be possible stop to be taking out.

I can’t wait to see the Asian range.


Thats is what has been talked from a few seasoned traders i follow about so am taking notice of it.

Another great movie …
I am always amazed how these tools are so valuable and yet all very simple.
If this is not heaven … Where am I?? LOL
This film is a time-bomb :smiley:
ICT … again … thank you for everything, and I hope this year also count on more support from all of us …


swing trade vid is unreal how accurate the projections are yet it all seems so simple. now to learn to see it ourselves in real time. thanks again ICT -just awesome!!!

Does anybody know if ITC will be live for the NY open as well as the London Open in Feb?
Any idea how long each session will last?
Just trying to plan ahead…

Anyone else trading long today? I just started my 2012 year off with a 60 pip winner :stuck_out_tongue:

I would like to see someone’s analysis of last night Asia this morning London.

Check out the SMT on the Daily USDX/EURX and fiber/cable Daily, sorry can’t chuck up the pics atm.
Entry was retest of the PDH at LO on the fiber, hang on part for potential big daily swing trade.
Just like ICT’s swing vid :slight_smile:


p.s. I didn’t take the trade, i was hoping for a bigger pull back. Always tomorow.

i am trying to post a reply but the forum do not allow me

i think am going short on fiber at 1.3060

  • yesterday OTE reached the 161% ext.
  • all pivots blown out
  • ADR filled
  • TT at high portion
  • daily Resistance at 1.3063
  • the Judas still in form for NYO pullback
  • yesterday R2
  • W % R at 4h chart in overbought condition
  • the reversal market profile forming
  • this move up will trap alot of traders to go long

with all that i will go short and hope it works out

all because of % R