What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Puremuscle - i highly recommend that you watch the ICT Swing Trading video on the first page. It dones contain a lot of info there and I know there are a few other videos where where ICT answers your question exactly.

For example, aim for the 200 extension, scale profits along the way…if your trading with the higher tf trend, do some higher tf swing projections with the fib and reach for the 161 or 200 level off the d1 or h4 or h1 charts. The traders trinity video shows how to reach for larger extension levels. Another good practice is to enter at LO in the direction of the trend and hold til 1500 gmt or 1800 gmt…there are really many different ways to do this and ICT does show you how to do every one of them i just mentioned and more but you have to watch his videos and learn the concepts and then do what your comfortable with as a trader…

I posted up a nearly identical chart yesterday showing a potential price drop to the 1.50 area. Are you saying that a reversal day can or will signal a trend reversal? I was looking back at the trend from late August to late September and there were some market reversal days in the trend. Although, the number of market reversal days seems to pick up when a trend is completing. what are your thoughts on this?

Here are my thoughts for the near future:
1.According to seasonal tendencies, we should be getting ready to start an up-trend.
2. The market must go down before it goes up
3. ICT and other professional traders won’t be trading until the 16th- my guess is there is a reason for this

ICT_Indi-stuff.zip (80.6 KB) Here’s all the pivots and TTs and other stuff you’ll need.
Extract each file and put in your c:/metatrader/experts/indictor directory.
Get “P4L clock” working first, it will show the times around the world but also most importantly your local time and your server time (mt4 time). from there you can work out where on the charts your pivots should be showing up and adjust the settings on the various indictors in their options box’s.


Hey there,

I am new to your thread. Where can I find the links for the webinars and recordings. Some of them seem to be on first page, but it seems there isn’t listed all, is it?

Thank you in advance!


TheInnerCircleTrader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

oops, replied to wrong post, this is for you Janson

hey its working on my end…try again. I will upload a higher quality if you think it’s not good enough so try it out first. 2nd part will be up soon.

So just wondering what you guys look at when looking for SMT divergence, line graphs or candle? Cause depending on what you use, you can get completely different results:



Hi Matty,
I personally use line charts for this, as I believe this is what ICT uses (why change what works).

But you’re right, there will be differences due to the line chart using the open/close prices rather than the candle high/low prices!

Are you using FXCM? I user IBFX and must admit am not too thrilled with the fact they don’t have a USDX indicator. I can’t use the garden variety as USD/SEK is a necessary pair to do the calculations and IBFX doesn’t support that either.

What a pain.

But when the wick of a candle goes below a previous wick of a candle, is that not making a lower low? When the line chart simultaneously shows a failure to make a lower low? Seems like this is pretty critical discrepancy…


hey guys here is part 2 of Higher timeframe analysis webinar: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Thanks mozdef! Been looking forward to the 2nd part since you posted the 1st part yesterday. :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

Hi all,
How was this trading week for you guys?
Tomorrow is NFP day so risk in trading.
This week I had 1 trade for 82 pips today (cable short) which covers my weekly goal of 75.
Till next week, over the weekend I will do my chart analysis and prepare for the following week.
Can’t wait for the remaining videos to be uploaded by ICT.
Take care

Anyone know which video ICT speaks about the importance of the friday & monday asian & tuesday making the high or low of the week??? I can’t seem to remember which one it was.

Check the livestream recorded yesterday. The really long one, I think its 2 or 3 hours long.
He mentions it within the first hour. I haven’t heard it anywhere else (?)

Thank you !!!

todays webinar that will be recorded. I know you made it to the viewing but should be readily available soon. I still cant believe it happened on a tuesday. Reason is something I tried to point out a while back on Nikitas thread only on a 1hr candle that right about the half way point of that candle price will tend to slow down(consolidate) then reverse for the second half of the candle. Thats great but ict wnet and explained why this happens but on a larger scale that I was blinded to since I was to zoomed in. What rubs salt into my wound though is the fact that based on using the daily for direction for the day and basing trades off the hourly (witch does work very well) tuesdays are usually the day I will take a loss for that day unless I spot the reversal unfolding. Then it is a big day for me. I now know why. Thats why when he said tuesday it struck home with me. All I can say is wow that was a real eye opener.

Tonight’s lesson was really helpful. This morning I saw Eur making lower lows on the daily, and thought it was bullish divergence - not good. I now see it much better on the lower time frame and understand the swing coming out of Asian session, and that weekly activity is similar in several respects to daily activity. There is rhyme and reason to prices and movement. I think I really need to go back and study charts for related pairs more. It seems like the key that opens the door are identifying the ISH and ISL on the dailies, and support and resistance on the 4H. Could I ask that others who are learning at a slightly slower rate (as I am), are my thoughts posted here in any way similar to yours? It would be great if ICT would raffle 1 hour of time on Skype to be able to have a quick 1:1 q&a.

Hey guys I know some of you are following ICT’s stuff and trading right now just wanted to know I drew this chart on Wednesday night my OTE was at 1.0120 would you have said the same if you were utilizing ICT’s stuff on this sort of setup? (I was long)

Not sure why its not expanding but http://i.imgur.com/JVGSn.jpg

Thanks wally and every body else too. Happy pipin.:35: