What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Your fibs are upside down.
OTE is just a retrace of a swing starting at the 62% and between 79% levels.
Ote is just a very small part of a much larger method of trading and without an understanding of much if not all the rest of it I don’t know if it’s going to be very helpful.
Have you watched the vids on the first page of the thread?


Actively going through them at the moment though I was told that if I drew from the 1.0160 level I would of nailed the high at the 162 level.

I was aware of the fib being upside-down however I was trying to do the swing projection and if I were to draw a fib it’d show the lower levels not the upper so that i need to readjust tomorrow

Today Michael showed us something in the the Live webinar… and just as he was saying it and I was looking at his chart…MY HEAD EXPLODED…I haven’t been hit in the head that hard since my football days…all of a sudden all those fuzzy little ides and concepts that we’ve studied for last 18 odd months and seen to have merit and truth about them but couldn’t quite gel together… Suddenly all locked together with blinding clarity.

You guys are going to LUV IT.

Your going to curse and scream “why didn’t I see it”, “why didn’t he tell me before” at the same time think “OMG then that means…”, “And if thats right then…” LOL Well thats what happened to me anyway.

First though If you haven’t watched and done the exercise from the 3 hour Live vid, then do so to get the full quadraphonic, full force slap in the face as you watch the latest Live vid. IT’s worth it. lol


Can I just have the spoiler please? lol

OK, sorry I thought you where showing entry. my bad.

[B]NO[/B]!!!.. lol

…the only problem is, the live stream library is EMPTY right now, nothing in the archive! OMG!

Yep, I noticed the same thing, been going through all ICTs videos and taking notes again preparing to go live again by Feb. and there are no vids! :frowning:

me too, no video there.

Hopefully just maintance.

Spill the beans! >:)

Thank you for doing these uploads!

Ok, this got me excited more than old baywatchs series where pamela or carmen runs… Just tell us.

Yeah, i tried using absolute path to the videos and i get an error that says “This channel has disabled its video library”. I browsed through other channels as well, they don’t seem to have any problem.

I hope the videos will be back though…

Neophyte, 11/11/11? are you an alchemist?

OH NO!! Where are the videos on livestream??? :frowning:

Sorry I was afk.


But I will tell you the excerise to do then if the video aren’t up within 24 hours I’ll type [B]one[/B] word and you’ll instantly understand if you’ve done the excerise. (have some clean undies ready)
Michael said he wants us to study and explore these things for ourselves and that why I’m being a bastard about it. Sorry. He’s the boss.

  1. Open any WEEKLY chart and put the fractal indi on.
  2. Look for a big trend up or down, ICT calls this a Buy or Sell Programme.
  3. Look for a retrace and at that swing low or high of the retrace go forward 2 bars more. Remember the frac won’t appear till after the second lower low or higher high, so you want the 3rd candle after the little arrow.
  4. Zoom in on the 1h chart at that third week and mark off the opening price of the week and extend it till friday close also the whole first asian session.
  5. Now the premise is that if we’re in a Buy programme that the Low of the week will be on Tuesday (80% of the time)(remember about expantion and contraction bars)(reverse for Sell programme).
    The point of the Opening price extendition is that u are only interested in Buying setups using the tools below this line to capture the Low of the week and ride it up for 200-5000 pips (lol) using trade managment for full effect.
    At this point he also showed how to get 20 pips a day using the same premise and the daily NY midnight open + daily Asia range. but thats just boring. lol

Go do the exerise and be prepared for reveration. :slight_smile:


p.s keep going forward week by week while your in the buy or sell programme.

Is there any video where this system is showed in motion? It would make it much easier :slight_smile: i know i’m asking too much, but that way i would know that i’m doing it right… If there isn’t, maybe you would like to make one? :slight_smile: I think not only me would appreciate this :slight_smile:

Sorry to interrupt, but if anybody would like the first three silent videos (1,2 & 3 not the a,b,c vids)as word documents. I’ve tried to upload them without success, they total 23 Mb. If someone can let me know how I can set up an upload link, please let me know and I will try again.


I also saw it Wally but in that long open session its amazing, Ict told us long ago to load up all tools on weekly chart and start there, He teach us so much so its hard to remember everything, unfortunately the video library is gone, I really want to keep them as a go back again and again for studies. Hope Ict will bring them back.