What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know


That is good news !

If the word is what I think it is, then

  • you’ve heard it before
  • it’s all over the place
  • ICT has explained it before
  • it’s an elephant in the room
  • it starts with an ?

LOL :46:

What is the info everyone’s asking Wally for anyways? Everyones got me wonderin now too =\Was it info about.the webinar or anything? There was like 65 people in there last night I’m.sure.someone.can chime in…or was it something else entirely

I haven’t done the exercise. Nor watched the 3 hour open access or last nights webinar.

My guess though is “J”

Did anyone catch the name of the book that ICT mentioned of Bill Williams’ that “had gold on every page” … I missed it but was going to replay on the video today, but just read that is didn’t record.

thanks everyone!

Thanks, Just uploaded the folder with all 3 files inside. Here is the link;

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Hope this works.

It was Larry Williams "how I made one million dollars last year trading commodities

Thanks Bones. I’ll see if I can find it. Cheers.

no problem :wink:

Is it possible, if not asking too much, if the folder can be downloaded from other than megaupload (blocked in my country, only found out after trying couple of times when i thought it was due to link broken). thank you

Just wanted to post the results of a trial run position trade I took. Bagged 250 pips on it.

I entered on the OTE that formed from the high the week of 12/23 and the low the week of 12/30. I posted this OTE to Matty a few days ago when he had some questions regarding directional bias for the day.

I entered this trade on Tue at late London Close (1745GMT). Price was in the sell zone of the TT, Also, we were in the OTE of 2 weeks ago high, and last weeks low. Thought a move down might be in order. This belief in a move down was reenforced by ICT’s webinar that night that discussed in trending markets, the high of the week is usually put in by Tue in down trends. In hindsight, I could have optimized the entry by waiting for the next mornings LO action. There’s an OTE within the large OTE to get in during the LO kill zone. ALthough it is difficult for me to get up at that time. And when I’m saying optimized entry…not in terms of entry price. I think I got about as good as picking the top as I can reasonably expect. I’m talking about reducing risk by not waiting out the Asian session overnight for the move to happen, and entering when a move is more likely to occur.

Closed this morning at about 250 pip gain. I was really debating letting it run longer. But I entered this more as a longer term swing trade, not a position trade like ICT’s webinar talked about it.

Reasons for exit…not ready to hold over weekends yet. Still learning patience to let profits run (letting a trade go 3 days is a looooong time for me. Can work on it more though). The 162 extension point is 1.5100. That’s another 300 pips from where we are now. I think some of this is psychology. Not believing that I could be that right. Even though I see Kung Fu Fib ICT pull out his trusty fib and slay the market with his projections…there’s a different psychology and trust involved to know you have it that right. I mean…that would be a 550 pip trade. I think I need to work on the psychology and believe that I can be right for 500pip moves. I’ve been so wrong on demo accounts before finding this thread I don’t have confidence that I could be right. Definately need to work on this.

If we reach 1.5150 in the next week or 2…I will take it as a confidence builder and build trust. If it doesn’t, I’ll look for reason why I would exit the swing trade to know how I would handle it if I do build the patience to hold trades longer and let them mature.

But anyways, here’s the chart with clickable thumbnail.


I have only just learned how to do this with Megaupload, don’t know of any others. If you pm me with your e-mail address, I will gladly e-mail files to you.


you can check for books here, ICT posted this on another thread

/Trading Books/

Nice trade LTPP!

Thank you piptripper for your kind response. I’ve just downloaded the files via the link provided by PippyTheGreat.

Thank you PippyTheGrt.

So just demo trading today (already reached my goal for the week and NFP) but ICT mentions that even in bad trading conditions like NFP, the principles should work. Just wanted to say how freaking easy this can be when we use the tools that we have been provided with by ICT. I know I still have a long ways to go, but when things work out its almost unreal.

I got up for LO, sold the Judas swing above Asian and went to bed. Just watched the pips roll in this morning and closed out right below S1 above the 1.2700 figure for a cool 90 pips as LC was approaching. Time and price theory, easy breezy. Then just watched and waited as an OTE formed below the ADR during LC kill zone (Cable now). Do I want some more pops? Sure…bought the sweet spot. Immediately went up for 40 more. Closed out below S1 and 38% retracement. Ho hum. : )

I post this because I want to give encouragement to those new to the thread. Trust the tools. Put in the time. This is a goldmine if you learn how to be patient and harness what Michael is teaching.

I have a long way to go myself, but I know long term ridiculous success is possible if I can just eliminate the rate limiting factor (myself!).

I feel like I know one of the ATM pin numbers. Hopefully I can get the other three figured out this year. Cheers.


That is great Matty !

Since not seeing that webinar last night :23: after having read the remarks by MCAWally and AK I’ve suddenly become to understand something that I already knew. There is this “thing” about something you’ve learned at some point in time and actually understanding it… simply by confronting yourself with material looking at it from another angle, and taking in missing bits and pieces… connect the dots and voila ! :13:

All of a sudden I also understand what PipEasy from another factory site actually does and how he does it…

Nice. Very nice.

Thanks guys. All of you :13:

Look at this chart. Assume for a minute this is a 15 minute chart typically used to time entries. The red lines are the asian range. Looks like a typical sell day. swing higher out of asia, form an OTE, then move lower.

But this isn’t a 15 minute chart. It’s an hourly chart showing the action this week. The “Asian Range” is Friday afternoon through 5am tuesday morning (markets closed monday for new years). We swing higher , form an OTE, the go lower for the week.

Thing of beauty. ICT talks about how his concepts are universal and apply to all timeframes. This is the sell day template made universal for a week.

Note: both images should be clickable.

Now, for projections on where price would go. Here is another chart showing 2 projections. if you use the low of the “asian range” and the swing high of the Judas, the 200% extension of this fib is 1.2755 which was just met a few hours ago.

Now…another cool thing…to project the low for the week. Use the TT…Draw a fib from the TT hi and low (the small fib on the left that I didn’t make rays to make the chart cleaner…the 161.8 level is 1.2718. Pretty much bang on for the low. Given Friday afternoon, likely won’t see much movement now.

But all I can say is wow oh wow. We have some awesome tools in our hands.

Note: posting this because I think this relates to what Wally is talking about from last nights webinar.

Yes ! Yes ! Yes !

I picked a Weekly (3rd week after a fractal pullback) earlier on on Fiber (starting Feb 2nd 2010). Similar story albeit that the weekly high was put in on Wednesday LO. Look where that baby ran to… 2000 pips…

That was also the month in which the monthly fractal was in place. What can be done on D and W, can also be done on M… May 2002 comes to mind… :46:

Word starting with a J or an F - who cares !!

Thing of beauty ? You betcha !!

Question on your LC trade. Did you use the 5m chart to time your entry using the 22 pip swing formed around 1530GMT? I’m not finding an OTE on the hourly or 15 chart, nor a 40 pip swing move to enter.

If you used that one…tip of the hat to you sir. Good call.